Results for: "partition"

Represents assigning to a constant path using an operator that isn’t ‘=`.

Parent::Child += value

Represents the use of the ‘||=` operator for assignment to a constant path.

Parent::Child ||= value

Represents writing to a constant path in a context that doesn’t have an explicit value.

Foo::Foo, Bar::Bar = baz
^^^^^^^^  ^^^^^^^^

Represents writing to a constant path.

::Foo = 1

Foo::Bar = 1

::Foo::Bar = 1

Represents the use of the forwarding parameter in a method, block, or lambda declaration.

def foo(...)

Represents a regular expression literal that contains interpolation.

/foo #{bar} baz/

Represents an implicit set of parameters through the use of the ‘it` keyword within a block or lambda.

-> { it + it }

Represents a write to a multi-target expression.

a, b, c = 1, 2, 3

Represents a regular expression literal with no interpolation.


This represents a warning that was encountered during parsing.

There are three main phases in the algorithm:

  1. Sanitize/format input source

  2. Search for invalid blocks

  3. Format invalid blocks into something meaningful

The Code frontier is a critical part of the second step

## Knowing where we’ve been

Once a code block is generated it is added onto the frontier. Then it will be sorted by indentation and frontier can be filtered. Large blocks that fully enclose a smaller block will cause the smaller block to be evicted.

CodeFrontier#<<(block) # Adds block to frontier
CodeFrontier#pop # Removes block from frontier

## Knowing where we can go

Internally the frontier keeps track of “unvisited” lines which are exposed via ‘next_indent_line` when called, this method returns, a line of code with the highest indentation.

The returned line of code can be used to build a CodeBlock and then that code block is added back to the frontier. Then, the lines are removed from the “unvisited” so we don’t double-create the same block.

CodeFrontier#next_indent_line # Shows next line
CodeFrontier#register_indent_block(block) # Removes lines from unvisited

## Knowing when to stop

The frontier knows how to check the entire document for a syntax error. When blocks are added onto the frontier, they’re removed from the document. When all code containing syntax errors has been added to the frontier, the document will be parsable without a syntax error and the search can stop.

CodeFrontier#holds_all_syntax_errors? # Returns true when frontier holds all syntax errors

## Filtering false positives

Once the search is completed, the frontier may have multiple blocks that do not contain the syntax error. To limit the result to the smallest subset of “invalid blocks” call:


Raised by Encoding and String methods when a transcoding operation fails.

Flags for regular expression and match last line nodes.

An Array object is an ordered, integer-indexed collection of objects, called elements; the object represents an array data structure.

An element may be any object (even another array); elements may be any mixture of objects of different types.

Important data structures that use arrays include:

There are also array-like data structures:

Array Indexes

Array indexing starts at 0, as in C or Java.

A non-negative index is an offset from the first element:

A negative index is an offset, backwards, from the end of the array:

In-Range and Out-of-Range Indexes

A non-negative index is in range if and only if it is smaller than the size of the array. For a 3-element array:

A negative index is in range if and only if its absolute value is not larger than the size of the array. For a 3-element array:

Effective Index

Although the effective index into an array is always an integer, some methods (both within class Array and elsewhere) accept one or more non-integer arguments that are integer-convertible objects.

Creating Arrays

You can create an Array object explicitly with:

A number of Ruby methods, both in the core and in the standard library, provide instance method to_a, which converts an object to an array.

Example Usage

In addition to the methods it mixes in through the Enumerable module, the Array class has proprietary methods for accessing, searching and otherwise manipulating arrays.

Some of the more common ones are illustrated below.

Accessing Elements

Elements in an array can be retrieved using the Array#[] method. It can take a single integer argument (a numeric index), a pair of arguments (start and length) or a range. Negative indices start counting from the end, with -1 being the last element.

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
arr[2]    #=> 3
arr[100]  #=> nil
arr[-3]   #=> 4
arr[2, 3] #=> [3, 4, 5]
arr[1..4] #=> [2, 3, 4, 5]
arr[1..-3] #=> [2, 3, 4]

Another way to access a particular array element is by using the at method #=> 1

The slice method works in an identical manner to Array#[].

To raise an error for indices outside of the array bounds or else to provide a default value when that happens, you can use fetch.

arr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
arr.fetch(100) #=> IndexError: index 100 outside of array bounds: -6...6
arr.fetch(100, "oops") #=> "oops"

The special methods first and last will return the first and last elements of an array, respectively.

arr.first #=> 1
arr.last  #=> 6

To return the first n elements of an array, use take

arr.take(3) #=> [1, 2, 3]

drop does the opposite of take, by returning the elements after n elements have been dropped:

arr.drop(3) #=> [4, 5, 6]

Obtaining Information about an Array

Arrays keep track of their own length at all times. To query an array about the number of elements it contains, use length, count or size.

browsers = ['Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Safari', 'Opera', 'IE']
browsers.length #=> 5
browsers.count #=> 5

To check whether an array contains any elements at all

browsers.empty? #=> false

To check whether a particular item is included in the array

browsers.include?('Konqueror') #=> false

Adding Items to Arrays

Items can be added to the end of an array by using either push or <<

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]
arr.push(5) #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
arr << 6    #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

unshift will add a new item to the beginning of an array.

arr.unshift(0) #=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

With insert you can add a new element to an array at any position.

arr.insert(3, 'apple')  #=> [0, 1, 2, 'apple', 3, 4, 5, 6]

Using the insert method, you can also insert multiple values at once:

arr.insert(3, 'orange', 'pear', 'grapefruit')
#=> [0, 1, 2, "orange", "pear", "grapefruit", "apple", 3, 4, 5, 6]

Removing Items from an Array

The method pop removes the last element in an array and returns it:

arr =  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
arr.pop #=> 6
arr #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

To retrieve and at the same time remove the first item, use shift:

arr.shift #=> 1
arr #=> [2, 3, 4, 5]

To delete an element at a particular index:

arr.delete_at(2) #=> 4
arr #=> [2, 3, 5]

To delete a particular element anywhere in an array, use delete:

arr = [1, 2, 2, 3]
arr.delete(2) #=> 2
arr #=> [1,3]

A useful method if you need to remove nil values from an array is compact:

arr = ['foo', 0, nil, 'bar', 7, 'baz', nil]
arr.compact  #=> ['foo', 0, 'bar', 7, 'baz']
arr          #=> ['foo', 0, nil, 'bar', 7, 'baz', nil]
arr.compact! #=> ['foo', 0, 'bar', 7, 'baz']
arr          #=> ['foo', 0, 'bar', 7, 'baz']

Another common need is to remove duplicate elements from an array.

It has the non-destructive uniq, and destructive method uniq!

arr = [2, 5, 6, 556, 6, 6, 8, 9, 0, 123, 556]
arr.uniq #=> [2, 5, 6, 556, 8, 9, 0, 123]

Iterating over Arrays

Like all classes that include the Enumerable module, Array has an each method, which defines what elements should be iterated over and how. In case of Array’s each, all elements in the Array instance are yielded to the supplied block in sequence.

Note that this operation leaves the array unchanged.

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
arr.each {|a| print a -= 10, " "}
# prints: -9 -8 -7 -6 -5
#=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Another sometimes useful iterator is reverse_each which will iterate over the elements in the array in reverse order.

words = %w[first second third fourth fifth sixth]
str = ""
words.reverse_each {|word| str += "#{word} "}
p str #=> "sixth fifth fourth third second first "

The map method can be used to create a new array based on the original array, but with the values modified by the supplied block: {|a| 2*a}     #=> [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
arr                   #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]! {|a| a**2}   #=> [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
arr                   #=> [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

Selecting Items from an Array

Elements can be selected from an array according to criteria defined in a block. The selection can happen in a destructive or a non-destructive manner. While the destructive operations will modify the array they were called on, the non-destructive methods usually return a new array with the selected elements, but leave the original array unchanged.

Non-destructive Selection

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] {|a| a > 3}       #=> [4, 5, 6]
arr.reject {|a| a < 3}       #=> [3, 4, 5, 6]
arr.drop_while {|a| a < 4}   #=> [4, 5, 6]
arr                          #=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

Destructive Selection

select! and reject! are the corresponding destructive methods to select and reject

Similar to select vs. reject, delete_if and keep_if have the exact opposite result when supplied with the same block:

arr.delete_if {|a| a < 4}   #=> [4, 5, 6]
arr                         #=> [4, 5, 6]

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
arr.keep_if {|a| a < 4}   #=> [1, 2, 3]
arr                       #=> [1, 2, 3]

What’s Here

First, what’s elsewhere. Class Array:

Here, class Array provides methods that are useful for:

Methods for Creating an Array

See also Creating Arrays.

Methods for Querying

Methods for Comparing

Methods for Fetching

These methods do not modify self.

Methods for Assigning

These methods add, replace, or reorder elements in self.

Methods for Deleting

Each of these methods removes elements from self:

Methods for Combining

Methods for Iterating

Methods for Converting

Other Methods

Raised by exit to initiate the termination of the script.

The most standard error types are subclasses of StandardError. A rescue clause without an explicit Exception class will rescue all StandardErrors (and only those).

def foo
  raise "Oups"
foo rescue "Hello"   #=> "Hello"

On the other hand:

require 'does/not/exist' rescue "Hi"

raises the exception:

LoadError: no such file to load -- does/not/exist

Raised when the arguments are wrong and there isn’t a more specific Exception class.

Ex: passing the wrong number of arguments

[1, 2, 3].first(4, 5)

raises the exception:

ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)

Ex: passing an argument that is not acceptable:

[1, 2, 3].first(-4)

raises the exception:

ArgumentError: negative array size

No longer used by internal code.

No documentation available
No documentation available


An instance of class IO (commonly called a stream) represents an input/output stream in the underlying operating system. Class IO is the basis for input and output in Ruby.

Class File is the only class in the Ruby core that is a subclass of IO. Some classes in the Ruby standard library are also subclasses of IO; these include TCPSocket and UDPSocket.

The global constant ARGF (also accessible as $<) provides an IO-like stream that allows access to all file paths found in ARGV (or found in STDIN if ARGV is empty). ARGF is not itself a subclass of IO.

Class StringIO provides an IO-like stream that handles a String. StringIO is not itself a subclass of IO.

Important objects based on IO include:

An instance of IO may be created using:

Like a File stream, an IO stream has:

And like other IO streams, it has:

Extension io/console

Extension io/console provides numerous methods for interacting with the console; requiring it adds numerous methods to class IO.

Example Files

Many examples here use these variables:

# English text with newlines.
text = <<~EOT
  First line
  Second line

  Fourth line
  Fifth line

# Russian text.
russian = "\u{442 435 441 442}" # => "тест"

# Binary data.
data = "\u9990\u9991\u9992\u9993\u9994"

# Text file.
File.write('t.txt', text)

# File with Russian text.
File.write('t.rus', russian)

# File with binary data.
f ='t.dat', 'wb:UTF-16')

Open Options

A number of IO methods accept optional keyword arguments that determine how a new stream is to be opened:

Also available are the options offered in String#encode, which may control conversion between external and internal encoding.

Basic IO

You can perform basic stream IO with these methods, which typically operate on multi-byte strings:


An IO stream has a nonnegative integer position, which is the byte offset at which the next read or write is to occur. A new stream has position zero (and line number zero); method rewind resets the position (and line number) to zero.

These methods discard buffers and the Encoding::Converter instances used for that IO.

The relevant methods:

Open and Closed Streams

A new IO stream may be open for reading, open for writing, or both.

A stream is automatically closed when claimed by the garbage collector.

Attempted reading or writing on a closed stream raises an exception.

The relevant methods:


You can query whether a stream is positioned at its end:

You can reposition to end-of-stream by using method IO#seek:

f ='t.txt')
f.eof? # => false, :END)
f.eof? # => true

Or by reading all stream content (which is slower than using IO#seek):

f.eof? # => false # => "First line\nSecond line\n\nFourth line\nFifth line\n"
f.eof? # => true

Line IO

Class IO supports line-oriented input and output

Line Input

Class IO supports line-oriented input for files and IO streams

File Line Input

You can read lines from a file using these methods:

For each of these methods:

Stream Line Input

You can read lines from an IO stream using these methods:

For each of these methods:

Line Separator

Each of the line input methods uses a line separator: the string that determines what is considered a line; it is sometimes called the input record separator.

The default line separator is taken from global variable $/, whose initial value is "\n".

Generally, the line to be read next is all data from the current position to the next line separator (but see Special Line Separator Values):

f ='t.txt')
# Method gets with no sep argument returns the next line, according to $/.
f.gets # => "First line\n"
f.gets # => "Second line\n"
f.gets # => "\n"
f.gets # => "Fourth line\n"
f.gets # => "Fifth line\n"

You can use a different line separator by passing argument sep:

f ='t.txt')
f.gets('l')   # => "First l"
f.gets('li')  # => "ine\nSecond li"
f.gets('lin') # => "ne\n\nFourth lin"
f.gets        # => "e\n"

Or by setting global variable $/:

f ='t.txt')
$/ = 'l'
f.gets # => "First l"
f.gets # => "ine\nSecond l"
f.gets # => "ine\n\nFourth l"
Special Line Separator Values

Each of the line input methods accepts two special values for parameter sep:

Line Limit

Each of the line input methods uses an integer line limit, which restricts the number of bytes that may be returned. (A multi-byte character will not be split, and so a returned line may be slightly longer than the limit).

The default limit value is -1; any negative limit value means that there is no limit.

If there is no limit, the line is determined only by sep.

# Text with 1-byte characters.'t.txt') {|f| f.gets(1) }  # => "F"'t.txt') {|f| f.gets(2) }  # => "Fi"'t.txt') {|f| f.gets(3) }  # => "Fir"'t.txt') {|f| f.gets(4) }  # => "Firs"
# No more than one line.'t.txt') {|f| f.gets(10) } # => "First line"'t.txt') {|f| f.gets(11) } # => "First line\n"'t.txt') {|f| f.gets(12) } # => "First line\n"

# Text with 2-byte characters, which will not be split.'t.rus') {|f| f.gets(1).size } # => 1't.rus') {|f| f.gets(2).size } # => 1't.rus') {|f| f.gets(3).size } # => 2't.rus') {|f| f.gets(4).size } # => 2
Line Separator and Line Limit

With arguments sep and limit given, combines the two behaviors:

Example:'t.txt') {|f| f.gets('li', 20) } # => "First li"'t.txt') {|f| f.gets('li', 2) }  # => "Fi"
Line Number

A readable IO stream has a non-negative integer line number:

Unless modified by a call to method IO#lineno=, the line number is the number of lines read by certain line-oriented methods, according to the effective line separator:

A new stream is initially has line number zero (and position zero); method rewind resets the line number (and position) to zero:

f ='t.txt')
f.lineno # => 0
f.gets   # => "First line\n"
f.lineno # => 1
f.lineno # => 0

Reading lines from a stream usually changes its line number:

f ='t.txt', 'r')
f.lineno   # => 0
f.readline # => "This is line one.\n"
f.lineno   # => 1
f.readline # => "This is the second line.\n"
f.lineno   # => 2
f.readline # => "Here's the third line.\n"
f.lineno   # => 3
f.eof?     # => true

Iterating over lines in a stream usually changes its line number:'t.txt') do |f|
  f.each_line do |line|
    p "position=#{f.pos} eof?=#{f.eof?} lineno=#{f.lineno}"


"position=11 eof?=false lineno=1"
"position=23 eof?=false lineno=2"
"position=24 eof?=false lineno=3"
"position=36 eof?=false lineno=4"
"position=47 eof?=true lineno=5"

Unlike the stream’s position, the line number does not affect where the next read or write will occur:

f ='t.txt')
f.lineno = 1000
f.lineno # => 1000
f.gets   # => "First line\n"
f.lineno # => 1001

Associated with the line number is the global variable $.:

Line Output

You can write to an IO stream line-by-line using this method:

Character IO

You can process an IO stream character-by-character using these methods:

Byte IO

You can process an IO stream byte-by-byte using these methods:

Codepoint IO

You can process an IO stream codepoint-by-codepoint:

What’s Here

First, what’s elsewhere. Class IO:

Here, class IO provides methods that are useful for:









Low-Level Access


Pathname represents the name of a file or directory on the filesystem, but not the file itself.

The pathname depends on the Operating System: Unix, Windows, etc. This library works with pathnames of local OS, however non-Unix pathnames are supported experimentally.

A Pathname can be relative or absolute. It’s not until you try to reference the file that it even matters whether the file exists or not.

Pathname is immutable. It has no method for destructive update.

The goal of this class is to manipulate file path information in a neater way than standard Ruby provides. The examples below demonstrate the difference.

All functionality from File, FileTest, and some from Dir and FileUtils is included, in an unsurprising way. It is essentially a facade for all of these, and more.


Example 1: Using Pathname

require 'pathname'
pn ="/usr/bin/ruby")
size = pn.size              # 27662
isdir =       # false
dir  = pn.dirname           # Pathname:/usr/bin
base = pn.basename          # Pathname:ruby
dir, base = pn.split        # [Pathname:/usr/bin, Pathname:ruby]
data = { |f| _ }
pn.each_line { |line| _ }

Example 2: Using standard Ruby

pn = "/usr/bin/ruby"
size = File.size(pn)        # 27662
isdir = # false
dir  = File.dirname(pn)     # "/usr/bin"
base = File.basename(pn)    # "ruby"
dir, base = File.split(pn)  # ["/usr/bin", "ruby"]
data = { |f| _ }
File.foreach(pn) { |line| _ }

Example 3: Special features

p1 ="/usr/lib")   # Pathname:/usr/lib
p2 = p1 + "ruby/1.8"            # Pathname:/usr/lib/ruby/1.8
p3 = p1.parent                  # Pathname:/usr
p4 = p2.relative_path_from(p3)  # Pathname:lib/ruby/1.8
pwd = Pathname.pwd              # Pathname:/home/gavin
pwd.absolute?                   # true
p5 = "."           # Pathname:.
p5 = p5 + "music/../articles"   # Pathname:music/../articles
p5.cleanpath                    # Pathname:articles
p5.realpath                     # Pathname:/home/gavin/articles
p5.children                     # [Pathname:/home/gavin/articles/linux, ...]

Breakdown of functionality

Core methods

These methods are effectively manipulating a String, because that’s all a path is. None of these access the file system except for mountpoint?, children, each_child, realdirpath and realpath.

File status predicate methods

These methods are a facade for FileTest:

File property and manipulation methods

These methods are a facade for File:

Directory methods

These methods are a facade for Dir:


These methods are a facade for IO:


These methods are a mixture of Find, FileUtils, and others:

Method documentation

As the above section shows, most of the methods in Pathname are facades. The documentation for these methods generally just says, for instance, “See FileTest.writable?”, as you should be familiar with the original method anyway, and its documentation (e.g. through ri) will contain more information. In some cases, a brief description will follow.

IO streams for strings, with access similar to IO; see IO.

About the Examples

Examples on this page assume that StringIO has been required:

require 'stringio'

OLEProperty is a helper class of Property with arguments, used by olegen.rb-generated files.

Raised when an IO operation fails."/etc/hosts") {|f| f << "example"}
  #=> IOError: not opened for writing"/etc/hosts") {|f| f.close; }
  #=> IOError: closed stream

Note that some IO failures raise SystemCallErrors and these are not subclasses of IOError:"does/not/exist")
  #=> Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - does/not/exist
Search took: 70ms  ·  Total Results: 4702