Available list of platforms for targeting Gem installations.

See ‘gem help platform` for information on platform matching.


A pure-Ruby gem that may use Gem::Specification#extensions to build binary files.

A platform-specific gem that is built for the packaging Ruby’s platform. This will be replaced with Gem::Platform::local.



Read & Write
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Read & Write
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Read & Write
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Class Methods
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Instance Methods

Is other equal to this platform? Two platforms are equal if they have the same CPU, OS and version.

Does other match this platform? Two platforms match if they have the same CPU, or either has a CPU of ‘universal’, they have the same OS, and they have the same version, or either one has no version

Additionally, the platform will match if the local CPU is ‘arm’ and the other CPU starts with “armv” (for generic 32-bit ARM family support).

Of note, this method is not commutative. Indeed the OS ‘linux’ has a special case: the version is the libc name, yet while “no version” stands as a wildcard for a binary gem platform (as for other OSes), for the runtime platform “no version” stands for ‘gnu’. To be able to distinguish these, the method receiver is the gem platform, while the argument is the runtime platform.

Does other match this platform? If other is a String it will be converted to a Gem::Platform first. See === for matching rules.

An alias for ==
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