Results for: "minmax"

Returns the short user name of the currently logged in user. Unfortunately, it is often rather easy to fool ::getlogin.

Avoid ::getlogin for security-related purposes.

If ::getlogin fails, try ::getpwuid.

See the unix manpage for getpwuid(3) for more detail.


Etc.getlogin -> 'guest'

Allocate size bytes of memory and return the integer memory address for the allocated memory.

Decompresses string. Raises a Zlib::NeedDict exception if a preset dictionary is needed for decompression.

This method is almost equivalent to the following code:

def inflate(string)
  zstream =
  buf = zstream.inflate(string)

See also Zlib.deflate

Returns true if filepath points to a symbolic link, false otherwise:

symlink = File.symlink('t.txt', 'symlink')
File.symlink?('symlink') # => true
File.symlink?('t.txt')   # => false

Invokes the block with a Benchmark::Report object, which may be used to collect and report on the results of individual benchmark tests. Reserves label_width leading spaces for labels on each line. Prints caption at the top of the report, and uses format to format each line. (Note: caption must contain a terminating newline character, see the default Benchmark::Tms::CAPTION for an example.)

Returns an array of Benchmark::Tms objects.

If the block returns an array of Benchmark::Tms objects, these will be used to format additional lines of output. If labels parameter are given, these are used to label these extra lines.

Note: Other methods provide a simpler interface to this one, and are suitable for nearly all benchmarking requirements. See the examples in Benchmark, and the bm and bmbm methods.


require 'benchmark'
include Benchmark          # we need the CAPTION and FORMAT constants

n = 5000000
Benchmark.benchmark(CAPTION, 7, FORMAT, ">total:", ">avg:") do |x|
  tf ="for:")   { for i in 1..n; a = "1"; end }
  tt ="times:") { n.times do   ; a = "1"; end }
  tu ="upto:")  { 1.upto(n) do ; a = "1"; end }
  [tf+tt+tu, (tf+tt+tu)/3]


              user     system      total        real
for:      0.970000   0.000000   0.970000 (  0.970493)
times:    0.990000   0.000000   0.990000 (  0.989542)
upto:     0.970000   0.000000   0.970000 (  0.972854)
>total:   2.930000   0.000000   2.930000 (  2.932889)
>avg:     0.976667   0.000000   0.976667 (  0.977630)

Invokes the block with a Benchmark::Report object, which may be used to collect and report on the results of individual benchmark tests. Reserves label_width leading spaces for labels on each line. Prints caption at the top of the report, and uses format to format each line. (Note: caption must contain a terminating newline character, see the default Benchmark::Tms::CAPTION for an example.)

Returns an array of Benchmark::Tms objects.

If the block returns an array of Benchmark::Tms objects, these will be used to format additional lines of output. If labels parameter are given, these are used to label these extra lines.

Note: Other methods provide a simpler interface to this one, and are suitable for nearly all benchmarking requirements. See the examples in Benchmark, and the bm and bmbm methods.


require 'benchmark'
include Benchmark          # we need the CAPTION and FORMAT constants

n = 5000000
Benchmark.benchmark(CAPTION, 7, FORMAT, ">total:", ">avg:") do |x|
  tf ="for:")   { for i in 1..n; a = "1"; end }
  tt ="times:") { n.times do   ; a = "1"; end }
  tu ="upto:")  { 1.upto(n) do ; a = "1"; end }
  [tf+tt+tu, (tf+tt+tu)/3]


              user     system      total        real
for:      0.970000   0.000000   0.970000 (  0.970493)
times:    0.990000   0.000000   0.990000 (  0.989542)
upto:     0.970000   0.000000   0.970000 (  0.972854)
>total:   2.930000   0.000000   2.930000 (  2.932889)
>avg:     0.976667   0.000000   0.976667 (  0.977630)

The path where gem executables are to be installed.

The path were rubygems plugins are to be installed.

Top level install helper method. Allows you to install gems interactively:

% irb
>> Gem.install "minitest"
Fetching: minitest-5.14.0.gem (100%)
=> [#<Gem::Specification:0x1013b4528 @name="minitest", ...>]

Returns the currently set formatter. By default, it is set to DidYouMean::Formatter.

Updates the primary formatter used to format the suggestions.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Copies a file entry. See install(1).

Arguments src (a single path or an array of paths) and dest (a single path) should be interpretable as paths;

If the entry at dest does not exist, copies from src to dest:'src0.txt')    # => "aaa\n"
File.exist?('dest0.txt') # => false
FileUtils.install('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt')'dest0.txt')   # => "aaa\n"

If dest is a file entry, copies from src to dest, overwriting:'src1.txt')  # => "aaa\n"'dest1.txt') # => "bbb\n"
FileUtils.install('src1.txt', 'dest1.txt')'dest1.txt') # => "aaa\n"

If dest is a directory entry, copies from src to dest/src, overwriting if necessary:'src2.txt')       # => "aaa\n"'dest2/src2.txt') # => "bbb\n"
FileUtils.install('src2.txt', 'dest2')'dest2/src2.txt') # => "aaa\n"

If src is an array of paths and dest points to a directory, copies each path path in src to dest/path:

File.file?('src3.txt') # => true
File.file?('src3.dat') # => true
FileUtils.install(['src3.txt', 'src3.dat'], 'dest3')
File.file?('dest3/src3.txt') # => true
File.file?('dest3/src3.dat') # => true

Keyword arguments:

Related: methods for copying.

Copies a file entry. See install(1).

Arguments src (a single path or an array of paths) and dest (a single path) should be interpretable as paths;

If the entry at dest does not exist, copies from src to dest:'src0.txt')    # => "aaa\n"
File.exist?('dest0.txt') # => false
FileUtils.install('src0.txt', 'dest0.txt')'dest0.txt')   # => "aaa\n"

If dest is a file entry, copies from src to dest, overwriting:'src1.txt')  # => "aaa\n"'dest1.txt') # => "bbb\n"
FileUtils.install('src1.txt', 'dest1.txt')'dest1.txt') # => "aaa\n"

If dest is a directory entry, copies from src to dest/src, overwriting if necessary:'src2.txt')       # => "aaa\n"'dest2/src2.txt') # => "bbb\n"
FileUtils.install('src2.txt', 'dest2')'dest2/src2.txt') # => "aaa\n"

If src is an array of paths and dest points to a directory, copies each path path in src to dest/path:

File.file?('src3.txt') # => true
File.file?('src3.dat') # => true
FileUtils.install(['src3.txt', 'src3.dat'], 'dest3')
File.file?('dest3/src3.txt') # => true
File.file?('dest3/src3.dat') # => true

Keyword arguments:

Related: methods for copying.

Returns an array of the string names of FileUtils methods that accept one or more keyword arguments:

FileUtils.commands.sort.take(3) # => ["cd", "chdir", "chmod"]

Calls the associated block with the name of every file and directory listed as arguments, then recursively on their subdirectories, and so on.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

See the Find module documentation for an example.

Calls the associated block with the name of every file and directory listed as arguments, then recursively on their subdirectories, and so on.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

See the Find module documentation for an example.

Merges the given URI strings str per RFC 2396.

Each string in str is converted to an RFC3986 URI before being merged.


# => #<URI::HTTP>

URI.join('', 'foo')
# => #<URI::HTTP>

URI.join('', '/foo', '/bar')
# => #<URI::HTTP>

URI.join('', '/foo', 'bar')
# => #<URI::HTTP>

URI.join('', '/foo/', 'bar')
# => #<URI::HTTP>
Search took: 4ms  ·  Total Results: 1823