
Sentinel object to represent “not found” stubs

Class Methods
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Instance Methods

Adds spec to the the record, keeping the collection properly sorted.

Returns the list of all specifications in the record

Sets the specs known by the record to specs.

Return full names of all specs in the record in sorted order.

Enumerate every known spec.

Return the best specification in the record that contains the file matching path, among those already activated.

Returns every spec in the record that matches name and optional requirements.

Return the best specification in the record that contains the file matching path.

Return the best specification in the record that contains the file matching path amongst the specs that are not activated.

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Return the latest installed spec in the record for gem name.

Return the latest specs in the record, optionally including prerelease specs if prerelease is true.

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Removes spec from the record.

Returns a Gem::StubSpecification for every specification in the record

Returns a Gem::StubSpecification for every specification in the record named name only returns stubs that match Gem.platforms

Finds stub specifications matching a pattern in the record, optionally filtering out specs not matching the current platform