Results for: "minmax"

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Creates a socket at address

If address is multicast address then interface_address and multicast_interface can be set as optional.

A created socket is bound to interface_address. If you use IPv4 multicast then the interface of interface_address is used as the inbound interface. If interface_address is omitted or nil then ‘’ or ‘::1’ is used.

If you use IPv6 multicast then multicast_interface is used as the inbound interface. multicast_interface is a network interface index. If multicast_interface is omitted then 0 (default interface) is used.

Looks up RingServers waiting timeout seconds. RingServers will be given block as a callback, which will be called with the remote TupleSpace.

Returns an expiry Time based on sec which can be one of:


sec seconds into the future


the expiry time is the start of 1970 (i.e. expired)


it is Tue Jan 19 03:14:07 GMT Standard Time 2038 (i.e. when UNIX clocks will die)

Creates a Rinda::Tuple for ary.

Finds all live tuples that match template.

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Used by the Resolver, the protocol to use a AvailableSet as a search Set.

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Call the given block when invoked.

Normal command invocations just executes the execute method of the command. Specifying an invocation block allows the test methods to override the normal action of a command to determine that it has been invoked correctly.

Register the Symbol command as a gem command.

Unregister the Symbol command as a gem command.

Return a sorted list of all command names as strings.

Does this dependency match spec?

NOTE: This is not a convenience method. Unlike match? this method returns true when spec is a prerelease version even if this dependency is not a prerelease dependency.

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Defaults to use Ruby’s program prefix and suffix.

Return an Array of Specifications contained within the gem_home we’ll be installing into.

Extracts only the bin/ files from the gem into the gem directory. This is used by default gems to allow a gem-aware stub to function without the full gem installed.

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