Results for: "partition"

def rparen: () -> String?

def lparen: () -> String?

def rparen: () -> String?

def lparen: () -> String

def rparen: () -> String

def lparen: () -> String?

def rparen: () -> String?

def lparen: () -> String?

def rparen: () -> String?

Parse the source and return the result.

No documentation available

Sets the resolver timeouts. This may be a single positive number or an array of positive numbers representing timeouts in seconds. If an array is specified, a DNS request will retry and wait for each successive interval in the array until a successful response is received. Specifying nil reverts to the default timeouts:

5, second = 5 * 2 / nameserver_count, 2 * second, 4 * second


dns.timeouts = 3

Registers for notifications of event ev on the proxied TupleSpace. See TupleSpace#notify

Called by TupleSpace to notify this NotifyTemplateEntry of a new event.

Registers for notifications of event. Returns a NotifyTemplateEntry. See NotifyTemplateEntry for examples of how to listen for notifications.

event can be:


A tuple was added


A tuple was taken or moved


A tuple was lost after being overwritten or expiring

The TupleSpace will also notify you of the ‘close’ event when the NotifyTemplateEntry has expired.

True when the gem has been activated

Version of the gem

Create on demand parser.

No documentation available

The Requirement of the unresolved dependency (not Version).

Parse obj, returning an [op, version] pair. obj can be a String or a Gem::Version.

If obj is a String, it can be either a full requirement specification, like ">= 1.2", or a simple version number, like "1.2".

parse("> 1.0")                 # => [">","1.0")]
parse("1.0")                   # => ["=","1.0")]
parse("1.0")) # => ["=,"1.0")]

A string representation of this Version.

Extensions to build when installing the gem, specifically the paths to extconf.rb-style files used to compile extensions.

These files will be run when the gem is installed, causing the C (or whatever) code to be compiled on the user’s machine.


spec.extensions << 'ext/rmagic/extconf.rb'

See Gem::Ext::Builder for information about writing extensions for gems.

Activate this spec, registering it as a loaded spec and adding it’s lib paths to $LOAD_PATH. Returns true if the spec was activated, false if it was previously activated. Freaks out if there are conflicts upon activation.

Sets extensions to extensions, ensuring it is an array.

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