Results for: "Dir.chdir"

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Iterates over all IP addresses for name retrieved from the hosts file.

Iterates over all hostnames for address retrieved from the hosts file.

Iterates over all IP addresses for name retrieved from the DNS resolver.

name can be a Resolv::DNS::Name or a String. Retrieved addresses will be a Resolv::IPv4 or Resolv::IPv6

Iterates over all hostnames for address retrieved from the DNS resolver.

address must be a Resolv::IPv4, Resolv::IPv6 or a String. Retrieved names will be Resolv::DNS::Name instances.

Iterates over all typeclass DNS resources for name. See getresource for argument details.

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Iterates over all IP addresses for name retrieved from the mDNS resolver, provided name ends with “local”. If the name does not end in “local” no records will be returned.

name can be a Resolv::DNS::Name or a String. Retrieved addresses will be a Resolv::IPv4 or Resolv::IPv6

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No documentation available
No documentation available
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Yields the Gem::Specification for each Tuple in this AvailableSet

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Does this dependency match spec?

NOTE: This is not a convenience method. Unlike match? this method returns true when spec is a prerelease version even if this dependency is not a prerelease dependency.

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Indicate if this NameTuple matches the current platform.

Adds a checksum for each entry in the gem to checksums.yaml.gz.

Reads and loads checksums.yaml.gz from the tar file gem

File Fetcher. Dispatched by fetch_path. Use it instead.

HTTP Fetcher. Dispatched by fetch_path. Use it instead.

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Downloads uri and returns it as a String.

Search took: 5ms  ·  Total Results: 1391