Results for: "Dir.chdir"

Changes the current working directory to self:

Dir.pwd # => "/"
dir ='example')
Dir.pwd # => "/example"

With a block, temporarily changes the working directory:

Uses Dir.fchdir if available, and Dir.chdir if not, see those methods for caveats.

Changes the current working directory.

With argument new_dirpath and no block, changes to the given dirpath:

Dir.pwd         # => "/example"
Dir.chdir('..') # => 0
Dir.pwd         # => "/"

With no argument and no block:

With argument new_dirpath and a block, temporarily changes the working directory:


Dir.pwd   # => "/var/spool/mail"
Dir.chdir('/tmp') do
  Dir.pwd # => "/tmp"
Dir.pwd   # => "/var/spool/mail"

With no argument and a block, calls the block with the current working directory (string) and returns the block’s return value.

Calls to Dir.chdir with blocks may be nested:

Dir.pwd     # => "/var/spool/mail"
Dir.chdir('/tmp') do
  Dir.pwd   # => "/tmp"
  Dir.chdir('/usr') do
    Dir.pwd # => "/usr"
  Dir.pwd   # => "/tmp"
Dir.pwd     # => "/var/spool/mail"

In a multi-threaded program an error is raised if a thread attempts to open a chdir block while another thread has one open, or a call to chdir without a block occurs inside a block passed to chdir (even in the same thread).

Raises an exception if the target directory does not exist.


An object of class Dir represents a directory in the underlying file system.

It consists mainly of:

About the Examples

Some examples on this page use this simple file tree:

├── config.h
├── lib/
│   ├── song/
│   │   └── karaoke.rb
│   └── song.rb
└── main.rb

Others use the file tree for the Ruby project itself.

Dir As Array-Like

A Dir object is in some ways array-like:

Dir As Stream-Like

A Dir object is in some ways stream-like.

The stream is initially open for reading, but may be closed manually (using method close), and will be closed on block exit if created by called with a block. The closed stream may not be further manipulated, and may not be reopened.

The stream has a position, which is the index of an entry in the directory:

Examples (using the simple file tree):

dir ='example') # => #<Dir:example>
dir.pos                  # => 0 # => "." # => ".." # => "config.h" # => "lib" # => "main.rb"
dir.pos  # => 5 # => nil
dir.pos  # => 5

dir.rewind # => #<Dir:example>
dir.pos    # => 0

dir.pos = 3 # => 3
dir.pos     # => 3 # => #<Dir:example>
dir.pos     # => 4

dir.close # => nil  # Raises IOError.

What’s Here

First, what’s elsewhere. Class Dir:

Here, class Dir provides methods that are useful for:






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Changes the current working directory to the directory specified by the integer file descriptor fd.

When passing a file descriptor over a UNIX socket or to a child process, using fchdir instead of chdir avoids the time-of-check to time-of-use vulnerability

With no block, changes to the directory given by fd:

Dir.pwd # => "/var/spool/mail"
dir  ='/usr')
fd = dir.fileno
Dir.pwd # => "/usr"

With a block, temporarily changes the working directory:


Dir.pwd # => "/var/spool/mail"
dir  ='/tmp')
fd = dir.fileno
Dir.fchdir(fd) do
  Dir.pwd # => "/tmp"
Dir.pwd # => "/var/spool/mail"

This method uses the fchdir() function defined by POSIX 2008; the method is not implemented on non-POSIX platforms (raises NotImplementedError).

Raises an exception if the file descriptor is not valid.

In a multi-threaded program an error is raised if a thread attempts to open a chdir block while another thread has one open, or a call to chdir without a block occurs inside a block passed to chdir (even in the same thread).

Creates a directory in the underlying file system at dirpath with the given permissions; returns zero:

File.stat('foo')).mode.to_s(8)[1..4] # => "0755"
Dir.mkdir('bar', 0644)
File.stat('bar')).mode.to_s(8)[1..4] # => "0644"

See File Permissions. Note that argument permissions is ignored on Windows.

Removes the directory at dirpath from the underlying file system:

Dir.rmdir('foo') # => 0

Raises an exception if the directory is not empty.

Returns the operating system’s temporary file path.

Dir.mktmpdir creates a temporary directory.

The directory is created with 0700 permission. Application should not change the permission to make the temporary directory accessible from other users.

The prefix and suffix of the name of the directory is specified by the optional first argument, prefix_suffix.

Dir.mktmpdir {|dir| dir is ".../d..." }
Dir.mktmpdir("foo") {|dir| dir is ".../foo..." }
Dir.mktmpdir(["foo", "bar"]) {|dir| dir is ".../" }

The directory is created under Dir.tmpdir or the optional second argument tmpdir if non-nil value is given.

Dir.mktmpdir {|dir| dir is "#{Dir.tmpdir}/d..." }
Dir.mktmpdir(nil, "/var/tmp") {|dir| dir is "/var/tmp/d..." }

If a block is given, it is yielded with the path of the directory. The directory and its contents are removed using FileUtils.remove_entry before Dir.mktmpdir returns. The value of the block is returned.

Dir.mktmpdir {|dir|
  # use the directory...
  open("#{dir}/foo", "w") { something using the file }

If a block is not given, The path of the directory is returned. In this case, Dir.mktmpdir doesn’t remove the directory.

dir = Dir.mktmpdir
  # use the directory...
  open("#{dir}/foo", "w") { something using the file }
  # remove the directory.
  FileUtils.remove_entry dir

Returns the canonicalized absolute path of the directory of the file from which this method is called. It means symlinks in the path is resolved. If __FILE__ is nil, it returns nil. The return value equals to File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__)).

The path where gems are to be installed.

Calls the block with each entry name in the directory at dirpath; sets the given encoding onto each passed entry_name:

Dir.foreach('/example') {|entry_name| p entry_name }




Dir.foreach('/example') {|entry_name| p entry_name.encoding; break }
Dir.foreach('/example', encoding: 'US-ASCII') {|entry_name| p entry_name.encoding; break }



See String Encoding.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

Returns an array of the entry names in the directory at dirpath except for '.' and '..'; sets the given encoding onto each returned entry name:

Dir.children('/example') # => ["config.h", "lib", "main.rb"]
# => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
Dir.children('/example', encoding: 'US-ASCII').first.encoding
# => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>

See String Encoding.

Raises an exception if the directory does not exist.

Calls the block with each entry name in self:'example').each {|entry_name| p entry_name }



With no block given, returns an Enumerator.

Returns an array of the entry names in self except for '.' and '..':

dir ='/example')
dir.children # => ["config.h", "lib", "main.rb"]

Changes the root directory of the calling process to that specified in dirpath. The new root directory is used for pathnames beginning with '/'. The root directory is inherited by all children of the calling process.

Only a privileged process may call chroot.

See Linux chroot.

Default home directory path to be used if an alternate value is not specified in the environment

Path for gems in the user’s home directory

Recursively removes the directory entry given by path, which should be the entry for a regular file, a symbolic link, or a directory.

Argument path should be interpretable as a path.

Optional argument force specifies whether to ignore raised exceptions of StandardError and its descendants.

Related: methods for deleting.

Recursively removes the directory entry given by path, which should be the entry for a regular file, a symbolic link, or a directory.

Argument path should be interpretable as a path.

Optional argument force specifies whether to ignore raised exceptions of StandardError and its descendants.

Related: methods for deleting.

Sets a target name that the user can then use to configure various “with” options with on the command line by using that name. For example, if the target is set to “foo”, then the user could use the --with-foo-dir=prefix, --with-foo-include=dir and --with-foo-lib=dir command line options to tell where to search for header/library files.

You may pass along additional parameters to specify default values. If one is given it is taken as default prefix, and if two are given they are taken as “include” and “lib” defaults in that order.

In any case, the return value will be an array of determined “include” and “lib” directories, either of which can be nil if no corresponding command line option is given when no default value is specified.

Note that dir_config only adds to the list of places to search for libraries and include files. It does not link the libraries into your application.

SyntaxSuggest.record_dir [Private]

Used to generate a unique directory to record search steps for debugging

Returns an array of the entry names in the directory at dirpath; sets the given encoding onto each returned entry name:

Dir.entries('/example') # => ["config.h", "lib", "main.rb", "..", "."]
# => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
Dir.entries('/example', encoding: 'US-ASCII').first.encoding
# => #<Encoding:US-ASCII>

See String Encoding.

Raises an exception if the directory does not exist.

Returns the file descriptor used in dir.

d ='..')
d.fileno # => 8

This method uses the dirfd() function defined by POSIX 2008; the method is not implemented on non-POSIX platforms (raises NotImplementedError).

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