Results for: "module_function"

SilentUI is a UI choice that is absolutely silent.

Parses and sanitizes source into a lexically aware document

Internally the document is represented by an array with each index containing a CodeLine correlating to a line from the source code.

There are three main phases in the algorithm:

  1. Sanitize/format input source

  2. Search for invalid blocks

  3. Format invalid blocks into something meaninful

This class handles the first part.

The reason this class exists is to format input source for better/easier/cleaner exploration.

The CodeSearch class operates at the line level so we must be careful to not introduce lines that look valid by themselves, but when removed will trigger syntax errors or strange behavior.

## Join Trailing slashes

Code with a trailing slash is logically treated as a single line:

1 it "code can be split" \
2    "across multiple lines" do

In this case removing line 2 would add a syntax error. We get around this by internally joining the two lines into a single “line” object

## Logically Consecutive lines

Code that can be broken over multiple lines such as method calls are on different lines:

1 User.
2   where(name: "schneems").
3   first

Removing line 2 can introduce a syntax error. To fix this, all lines are joined into one.

## Heredocs

A heredoc is an way of defining a multi-line string. They can cause many problems. If left as a single line, the parser would try to parse the contents as ruby code rather than as a string. Even without this problem, we still hit an issue with indentation:

1 foo = <<~HEREDOC
2  "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.""
3    ― Oscar Wilde
4      puts "I look like ruby code" # but i'm still a heredoc

If we didn’t join these lines then our algorithm would think that line 4 is separate from the rest, has a higher indentation, then look at it first and remove it.

If the code evaluates line 5 by itself it will think line 5 is a constant, remove it, and introduce a syntax errror.

All of these problems are fixed by joining the whole heredoc into a single line.

## Comments and whitespace

Comments can throw off the way the lexer tells us that the line logically belongs with the next line. This is valid ruby but results in a different lex output than before:

1 User.
2   where(name: "schneems").
3   # Comment here
4   first

To handle this we can replace comment lines with empty lines and then re-lex the source. This removal and re-lexing preserves line index and document size, but generates an easier to work with document.

Multiple lines form a singular CodeBlock

Source code is made of multiple CodeBlocks.


code_block.to_s # =>
  #   def foo
  #     puts "foo"
  #   end

code_block.valid? # => true
code_block.in_valid? # => false

Represents a single line of code of a given source file

This object contains metadata about the line such as amount of indentation, if it is empty or not, and lexical data, such as if it has an ‘end` or a keyword in it.

Visibility of lines can be toggled off. Marking a line as invisible indicates that it should not be used for syntax checks. It’s functionally the same as commenting it out.


line = CodeLine.from_source("def foo\n").first
line.number => 1
line.empty? # => false
line.visible? # => true
line.visible? # => false

Searches code for a syntax error

There are three main phases in the algorithm:

  1. Sanitize/format input source

  2. Search for invalid blocks

  3. Format invalid blocks into something meaninful

This class handles the part.

The bulk of the heavy lifting is done in:

- CodeFrontier (Holds information for generating blocks and determining if we can stop searching)
- ParseBlocksFromLine (Creates blocks into the frontier)
- BlockExpand (Expands existing blocks to search more code)

## Syntax error detection

When the frontier holds the syntax error, we can stop searching

search =<<~EOM)
  def dog
    def lol
EOM # =>
# => ["def lol\n"]

Outputs code with highlighted lines

Whatever is passed to this class will be rendered even if it is “marked invisible” any filtering of output should be done before calling this class.
  lines: lines,
  highlight_lines: [lines[2], lines[3]]
# =>
    2  def cat
  > 3    Dir.chdir
  > 4    end
    5  end

Ripper.lex is not guaranteed to lex the entire source document

This class guarantees the whole document is lex-ed by iteratively lexing the document where ripper stopped.

Prism likely doesn’t have the same problem. Once ripper support is removed we can likely reduce the complexity here if not remove the whole concept.

Example usage:

lex = source)
lex.each do |value|
  puts value.line

Value object for accessing lex values

This lex:

[1, 0], :on_ident, "describe", CMDARG

Would translate into:

lex.line # => 1
lex.type # => :on_indent
lex.token # => "describe"

Not a URI.

URI is valid, bad usage is not.

The “file” URI is defined by RFC8089.

Raised on attempt to Ractor#take if there was an uncaught exception in the Ractor. Its cause will contain the original exception, and ractor is the original ractor it was raised in.

r = { raise "Something weird happened" }

rescue => e
  p e             # => #<Ractor::RemoteError: thrown by remote Ractor.>
  p e.ractor == r # => true
  p e.cause       # => #<RuntimeError: Something weird happened>

Raised on an attempt to access an object which was moved in Ractor#send or Ractor.yield.

r = { sleep }

ary = [1, 2, 3]
r.send(ary, move: true)
# Ractor::MovedError (can not send any methods to a moved object)
No documentation available

exception to wait for reading. see

exception to wait for writing. see

No documentation available


When using Psych.load to deserialize a YAML document, the document is translated to an intermediary AST. That intermediary AST is then translated in to a Ruby object graph.

In the opposite direction, when using Psych.dump, the Ruby object graph is translated to an intermediary AST which is then converted to a YAML document.

Psych::Nodes contains all of the classes that make up the nodes of a YAML AST. You can manually build an AST and use one of the visitors (see Psych::Visitors) to convert that AST to either a YAML document or to a Ruby object graph.

Here is an example of building an AST that represents a list with one scalar:

# Create our nodes
stream =
doc    =
seq    =
scalar ='foo')

# Build up our tree
stream.children << doc
doc.children    << seq
seq.children    << scalar

The stream is the root of the tree. We can then convert the tree to YAML:

stream.to_yaml => "---\n- foo\n"

Or convert it to Ruby:

stream.to_ruby => [["foo"]]

YAML AST Requirements

A valid YAML AST must have one Psych::Nodes::Stream at the root. A Psych::Nodes::Stream node must have 1 or more Psych::Nodes::Document nodes as children.

Psych::Nodes::Document nodes must have one and only one child. That child may be one of:

Psych::Nodes::Sequence and Psych::Nodes::Mapping nodes may have many children, but Psych::Nodes::Mapping nodes should have an even number of children.

All of these are valid children for Psych::Nodes::Sequence and Psych::Nodes::Mapping nodes:

Psych::Nodes::Scalar and Psych::Nodes::Alias are both terminal nodes and should not have any children.

No documentation available

The GC profiler provides access to information on GC runs including time, length and object space size.



require 'rdoc/rdoc'


See also GC.count, GC.malloc_allocated_size and GC.malloc_allocations

No documentation available

The Observable module extended to DRb. See Observable for details.

No documentation available

Extends command line arguments array (ARGV) to parse itself.

Acceptable argument classes. Now contains DecimalInteger, OctalInteger and DecimalNumeric. See Acceptable argument classes (in source code).

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