A LocalSpecification
comes from a .gem file on the local filesystem.
The LockSpecification
comes from a lockfile (Gem::RequestSet::Lockfile
A LockSpecification’s dependency information is pre-filled from the lockfile.
The Resolver::SpecSpecification contains common functionality for Resolver specifications that are backed by a Gem::Specification
A Resolver::Specification contains a subset of the information contained in a Gem::Specification
. Only the information necessary for dependency resolution in the resolver is included.
A VendorSpecification
represents a gem that has been unpacked into a project and is being loaded through a gem dependencies file through the path:
default exception type
An object representation of a stack frame, initialized by Kernel#caller_locations
For example:
# caller_locations.rb def a(skip) caller_locations(skip) end def b(skip) a(skip) end def c(skip) b(skip) end c(0..2).map do |call| puts call.to_s end
Running ruby caller_locations.rb
will produce:
caller_locations.rb:2:in `a' caller_locations.rb:5:in `b' caller_locations.rb:8:in `c'
Here’s another example with a slightly different result:
# foo.rb class Foo attr_accessor :locations def initialize(skip) @locations = caller_locations(skip) end end Foo.new(0..2).locations.map do |call| puts call.to_s end
Now run ruby foo.rb
and you should see:
init.rb:4:in `initialize' init.rb:8:in `new' init.rb:8:in `<main>'
Implementation of an X.509 certificate as specified in RFC 5280. Provides access to a certificate’s attributes and allows certificates to be read from a string, but also supports the creation of new certificates from scratch.
is capable of handling DER-encoded certificates and certificates encoded in OpenSSL’s PEM format.
raw = File.binread "cert.cer" # DER- or PEM-encoded certificate = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new raw
A certificate may be encoded in DER format
cert = ... File.open("cert.cer", "wb") { |f| f.print cert.to_der }
or in PEM format
cert = ... File.open("cert.pem", "wb") { |f| f.print cert.to_pem }
X.509 certificates are associated with a private/public key pair, typically a RSA, DSA or ECC key (see also OpenSSL::PKey::RSA
, OpenSSL::PKey::DSA
and OpenSSL::PKey::EC
), the public key itself is stored within the certificate and can be accessed in form of an OpenSSL::PKey
. Certificates are typically used to be able to associate some form of identity with a key pair, for example web servers serving pages over HTTPs use certificates to authenticate themselves to the user.
The public key infrastructure (PKI) model relies on trusted certificate authorities (“root CAs”) that issue these certificates, so that end users need to base their trust just on a selected few authorities that themselves again vouch for subordinate CAs issuing their certificates to end users.
The OpenSSL::X509
module provides the tools to set up an independent PKI, similar to scenarios where the ‘openssl’ command line tool is used for issuing certificates in a private PKI.
First, we need to create a “self-signed” root certificate. To do so, we need to generate a key first. Please note that the choice of “1” as a serial number is considered a security flaw for real certificates. Secure choices are integers in the two-digit byte range and ideally not sequential but secure random numbers, steps omitted here to keep the example concise.
root_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new 2048 # the CA's public/private key root_ca = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new root_ca.version = 2 # cf. RFC 5280 - to make it a "v3" certificate root_ca.serial = 1 root_ca.subject = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse "/DC=org/DC=ruby-lang/CN=Ruby CA" root_ca.issuer = root_ca.subject # root CA's are "self-signed" root_ca.public_key = root_key.public_key root_ca.not_before = Time.now root_ca.not_after = root_ca.not_before + 2 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 2 years validity ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new ef.subject_certificate = root_ca ef.issuer_certificate = root_ca root_ca.add_extension(ef.create_extension("basicConstraints","CA:TRUE",true)) root_ca.add_extension(ef.create_extension("keyUsage","keyCertSign, cRLSign", true)) root_ca.add_extension(ef.create_extension("subjectKeyIdentifier","hash",false)) root_ca.add_extension(ef.create_extension("authorityKeyIdentifier","keyid:always",false)) root_ca.sign(root_key, OpenSSL::Digest.new('SHA256'))
The next step is to create the end-entity certificate using the root CA certificate.
key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new 2048 cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new cert.version = 2 cert.serial = 2 cert.subject = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse "/DC=org/DC=ruby-lang/CN=Ruby certificate" cert.issuer = root_ca.subject # root CA is the issuer cert.public_key = key.public_key cert.not_before = Time.now cert.not_after = cert.not_before + 1 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 1 years validity ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new ef.subject_certificate = cert ef.issuer_certificate = root_ca cert.add_extension(ef.create_extension("keyUsage","digitalSignature", true)) cert.add_extension(ef.create_extension("subjectKeyIdentifier","hash",false)) cert.sign(root_key, OpenSSL::Digest.new('SHA256'))
The parent class for all primitive encodings. Attributes are the same as for ASN1Data
, with the addition of tagging. Primitive
values can never be encoded with indefinite length form, thus it is not possible to set the indefinite_length attribute for Primitive
and its sub-classes.
sub-classes and their mapping to Ruby classes OpenSSL::ASN1::EndOfContent <=> value is always nil
OpenSSL::ASN1::Boolean <=> value is true
or false
<=> value is an OpenSSL::BN
OpenSSL::ASN1::BitString <=> value is a String
OpenSSL::ASN1::OctetString <=> value is a String
OpenSSL::ASN1::Null <=> value is always nil
<=> value is a String
OpenSSL::ASN1::Enumerated <=> value is an OpenSSL::BN
OpenSSL::ASN1::UTF8String <=> value is a String
OpenSSL::ASN1::NumericString <=> value is a String
OpenSSL::ASN1::PrintableString <=> value is a String
OpenSSL::ASN1::T61String <=> value is a String
OpenSSL::ASN1::VideotexString <=> value is a String
OpenSSL::ASN1::IA5String <=> value is a String
OpenSSL::ASN1::UTCTime <=> value is a Time
OpenSSL::ASN1::GeneralizedTime <=> value is a Time
OpenSSL::ASN1::GraphicString <=> value is a String
OpenSSL::ASN1::ISO64String <=> value is a String
OpenSSL::ASN1::GeneralString <=> value is a String
OpenSSL::ASN1::UniversalString <=> value is a String
OpenSSL::ASN1::BMPString <=> value is a String
unused_bits: if the underlying BIT STRING’s length is a multiple of 8 then unused_bits is 0. Otherwise unused_bits indicates the number of bits that are to be ignored in the final octet of the BitString’s value.
NOTE: While OpenSSL::ASN1::ObjectId.new
will allocate a new ObjectId
, it is not typically allocated this way, but rather that are received from parsed ASN1
sn: the short name as defined in <openssl/objects.h>.
ln: the long name as defined in <openssl/objects.h>.
oid: the object identifier as a String
, e.g. “”
short_name: alias for sn.
long_name: alias for ln.
With the Exception
of OpenSSL::ASN1::EndOfContent, each Primitive
class constructor takes at least one parameter, the value.
eoc = OpenSSL::ASN1::EndOfContent.new
prim = <class>.new(value) # <class> being one of the sub-classes except EndOfContent prim_zero_tagged_implicit = <class>.new(value, 0, :IMPLICIT) prim_zero_tagged_explicit = <class>.new(value, 0, :EXPLICIT)
The parent class for all constructed encodings. The value attribute of a Constructive
is always an Array
. Attributes are the same as for ASN1Data
, with the addition of tagging.
Most constructed encodings come in the form of a SET or a SEQUENCE. These encodings are represented by one of the two sub-classes of Constructive:
Please note that tagged sequences and sets are still parsed as instances of ASN1Data
. Find
further details on tagged values there.
int = OpenSSL::ASN1::Integer.new(1) str = OpenSSL::ASN1::PrintableString.new('abc') sequence = OpenSSL::ASN1::Sequence.new( [ int, str ] )
int = OpenSSL::ASN1::Integer.new(1) str = OpenSSL::ASN1::PrintableString.new('abc') set = OpenSSL::ASN1::Set.new( [ int, str ] )
An OpenSSL::OCSP::CertificateId
identifies a certificate to the CA so that a status check can be performed.
is a placeholder Struct
for user database on Unix systems.
contains the short login name of the user as a String
contains the encrypted password of the user as a String
. an 'x'
is returned if shadow passwords are in use. An '*'
is returned if the user cannot log in using a password.
contains the integer user ID (uid) of the user.
contains the integer group ID (gid) of the user’s primary group.
contains the path to the home directory of the user as a String
contains the path to the login shell of the user as a String
contains a longer String
description of the user, such as a full name. Some Unix systems provide structured information in the gecos field, but this is system-dependent.
password change time(integer).
quota value(integer).
password age(integer).
user access class(string).
account expiration time(integer).
Used internally by Fiddle::Importer
Wrapper for arrays within a struct
Cleared reference exception
The base exception for JSON
This exception is raised if the required unicode support is missing on the system. Usually this means that the iconv library is not installed.
Configuration for the openssl library.
Many system’s installation of openssl library will depend on your system configuration. See the value of OpenSSL::Config::DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE
for the location of the file for your host.