Results for: "partition"

Hangul Algorithm

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Initiates the SSL/TLS handshake as a server in non-blocking manner.

# emulates blocking accept
rescue IO::WaitReadable[s2])
rescue IO::WaitWritable, [s2])

By specifying ‘exception: false`, the options hash allows you to indicate that accept_nonblock should not raise an IO::WaitReadable or IO::WaitWritable exception, but return the symbol :wait_readable or :wait_writable instead.

A non-blocking version of sysread. Raises an SSLError if reading would block. If “exception: false” is passed, this method returns a symbol of :wait_readable, :wait_writable, or nil, rather than raising an exception.

Reads length bytes from the SSL connection. If a pre-allocated buffer is provided the data will be written into it.

The X509 certificate for this socket’s peer.

Returns the TCPServer passed to the SSLServer when initialized.

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The short name of the ObjectId, as defined in <openssl/objects.h>.

The long name of the ObjectId, as defined in <openssl/objects.h>.

Adds a nonce to the OCSP request. If no nonce is given a random one will be generated.

The nonce is used to prevent replay attacks but some servers do not support it.

Checks the nonce validity for this request and response.

The return value is one of the following:


nonce in request only.


nonces both present and not equal.


nonces present and equal.


nonces both absent.


nonce present in response only.

For most responses, clients can check result > 0. If a responder doesn’t handle nonces result.nonzero? may be necessary. A result of 0 is always an error.

Copies the nonce from request into this response. Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.

Adds nonce to this response. If no nonce was provided a random nonce will be added.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Adds the OpenSSL::X509::Certificate cert to the certificate store.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
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