An OpenSSL::OCSP::BasicResponse contains the status of a certificate check which is created from an OpenSSL::OCSP::Request. A BasicResponse is more detailed than a Response.

Class Methods

Creates a new BasicResponse and ignores all arguments.

Instance Methods

Adds nonce to this response. If no nonce was provided a random nonce will be added.

Adds a validation status (0 for good, 1 for revoked, 2 for unknown) to this response for certificate_id. reason describes the reason for the revocation, if any.

The revocation_time, this_update and next_update are times for the certificate’s revocation time, the time of this status and the next update time for a new status, respectively.

extensions may be an Array of OpenSSL::X509::Extension that will be added to this response or nil.

Copies the nonce from request into this response. Returns 1 on success and 0 on failure.

Signs this response using the signer_cert and signer_key. Additional certificates may be added to the signature along with a set of flags.

Returns an Array of statuses for this response. Each status contains a CertificateId, the status (0 for good, 1 for revoked, 2 for unknown), the reason for the status, the revocation time, the time of this update, the time for the next update and a list of OpenSSL::X509::Extensions.

Verifies the signature of the response using the given certificates, store and flags.