Results for: "minmax"

See terminate.

Returns the binding associated with prc.

def fred(param)
  proc {}

b = fred(99)
eval("param", b.binding)   #=> 99

returns main ractor

Returns the main thread.

Terminates thr and schedules another thread to be run, returning the terminated Thread. If this is the main thread, or the last thread, exits the process.

Return the generated binding object from event.

Note that for :c_call and :c_return events, the method will return nil, since C methods themselves do not have bindings.

Returns a Binding object, describing the variable and method bindings at the point of call. This object can be used when calling Binding#eval to execute the evaluated command in this environment, or extracting its local variables.

class User
  def initialize(name, position)
    @name = name
    @position = position

  def get_binding

user ='Joan', 'manager')
template = '{name: @name, position: @position}'

# evaluate template in context of the object
eval(template, user.get_binding)
#=> {:name=>"Joan", :position=>"manager"}

Binding#local_variable_get can be used to access the variables whose names are reserved Ruby keywords:

# This is valid parameter declaration, but `if` parameter can't
# be accessed by name, because it is a reserved word.
def validate(field, validation, if: nil)
  condition = binding.local_variable_get('if')
  return unless condition

  # ...Some implementation ...

validate(:name, :empty?, if: false) # skips validation
validate(:name, :empty?, if: true) # performs validation

Returns the element with the minimum element according to a given criterion. The ordering of equal elements is indeterminate and may be unstable.

With no argument and no block, returns the minimum element, using the elements’ own method <=> for comparison:

(1..4).min                   # => 1
(-4..-1).min                 # => -4
%w[d c b a].min              # => "a"
{foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}.min # => [:bar, 1]
[].min                       # => nil

With positive integer argument n given, and no block, returns an array containing the first n minimum elements that exist:

(1..4).min(2)                   # => [1, 2]
(-4..-1).min(2)                 # => [-4, -3]
%w[d c b a].min(2)              # => ["a", "b"]
{foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}.min(2) # => [[:bar, 1], [:baz, 2]]
[].min(2)                       # => []

With a block given, the block determines the minimum elements. The block is called with two elements a and b, and must return:

With a block given and no argument, returns the minimum element as determined by the block:

%w[xxx x xxxx xx].min {|a, b| a.size <=> b.size } # => "x"
h = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
h.min {|pair1, pair2| pair1[1] <=> pair2[1] } # => [:foo, 0]
[].min {|a, b| a <=> b }                          # => nil

With a block given and positive integer argument n given, returns an array containing the first n minimum elements that exist, as determined by the block.

%w[xxx x xxxx xx].min(2) {|a, b| a.size <=> b.size } # => ["x", "xx"]
h = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
h.min(2) {|pair1, pair2| pair1[1] <=> pair2[1] }
# => [[:foo, 0], [:bar, 1]]
[].min(2) {|a, b| a <=> b }                          # => []

Related: min_by, minmax, max.

Returns the element with the maximum element according to a given criterion. The ordering of equal elements is indeterminate and may be unstable.

With no argument and no block, returns the maximum element, using the elements’ own method <=> for comparison:

(1..4).max                   # => 4
(-4..-1).max                 # => -1
%w[d c b a].max              # => "d"
{foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}.max # => [:foo, 0]
[].max                       # => nil

With positive integer argument n given, and no block, returns an array containing the first n maximum elements that exist:

(1..4).max(2)                   # => [4, 3]
(-4..-1).max(2)                # => [-1, -2]
%w[d c b a].max(2)              # => ["d", "c"]
{foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}.max(2) # => [[:foo, 0], [:baz, 2]]
[].max(2)                       # => []

With a block given, the block determines the maximum elements. The block is called with two elements a and b, and must return:

With a block given and no argument, returns the maximum element as determined by the block:

%w[xxx x xxxx xx].max {|a, b| a.size <=> b.size } # => "xxxx"
h = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
h.max {|pair1, pair2| pair1[1] <=> pair2[1] }     # => [:baz, 2]
[].max {|a, b| a <=> b }                          # => nil

With a block given and positive integer argument n given, returns an array containing the first n maximum elements that exist, as determined by the block.

%w[xxx x xxxx xx].max(2) {|a, b| a.size <=> b.size } # => ["xxxx", "xxx"]
h = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
h.max(2) {|pair1, pair2| pair1[1] <=> pair2[1] }
# => [[:baz, 2], [:bar, 1]]
[].max(2) {|a, b| a <=> b }                          # => []

Related: min, minmax, max_by.

Returns the maximum number of group IDs allowed in the supplemental group access list:

Process.maxgroups # => 32

Sets the maximum number of group IDs allowed in the supplemental group access list.

Returns whether the [position] is at the beginning of a line; that is, at the beginning of the [stored string] or immediately after a newline:

scanner =
# => "Go placidly amid the noise and haste,\nand remember what peace there may be in silence.\n"
scanner.pos                # => 0
scanner.beginning_of_line? # => true

scanner.scan_until(/,/)    # => "Go placidly amid the noise and haste,"
scanner.beginning_of_line? # => false

scanner.scan(/\n/)         # => "\n"
scanner.beginning_of_line? # => true

scanner.beginning_of_line? # => true

scanner.beginning_of_line? # => false

StringScanner#bol? is an alias for StringScanner#beginning_of_line?.

Terminate the application with exit code status, running any exit handlers that might have been defined.

Terminates the RubyGems process with the given exit_code

Returns the index of a specified element.

When argument object is given but no block, returns the index of the first element element for which object == element:

a = [:foo, 'bar', 2, 'bar']
a.index('bar') # => 1

Returns nil if no such element found.

When both argument object and a block are given, calls the block with each successive element; returns the index of the first element for which the block returns a truthy value:

a = [:foo, 'bar', 2, 'bar']
a.index {|element| element == 'bar' } # => 1

Returns nil if the block never returns a truthy value.

When neither an argument nor a block is given, returns a new Enumerator:

a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
e = a.index
e # => #<Enumerator: [:foo, "bar", 2]:index>
e.each {|element| element == 'bar' } # => 1

Related: rindex.

Invoked when a reference is made to an undefined constant in mod. It is passed a symbol for the undefined constant, and returns a value to be used for that constant. For example, consider:

def Foo.const_missing(name)
  name # return the constant name as Symbol

Foo::UNDEFINED_CONST    #=> :UNDEFINED_CONST: symbol returned

As the example above shows, const_missing is not required to create the missing constant in mod, though that is often a side-effect. The caller gets its return value when triggered. If the constant is also defined, further lookups won’t hit const_missing and will return the value stored in the constant as usual. Otherwise, const_missing will be invoked again.

In the next example, when a reference is made to an undefined constant, const_missing attempts to load a file whose path is the lowercase version of the constant name (thus class Fred is assumed to be in file fred.rb). If defined as a side-effect of loading the file, the method returns the value stored in the constant. This implements an autoload feature similar to Kernel#autoload and Module#autoload, though it differs in important ways.

def Object.const_missing(name)
  @looked_for ||= {}
  str_name = name.to_s
  raise "Constant not found: #{name}" if @looked_for[str_name]
  @looked_for[str_name] = 1
  file = str_name.downcase
  require file
  const_get(name, false)

Returns the Encoding object that represents the encoding of the internal string, if conversion is specified, or nil otherwise.

See Encodings.

Creates a hard link at pathname.


Creates a symbolic link.

See File.symlink.

creates an Addrinfo object from the arguments.

The arguments are interpreted as similar to self.

Addrinfo.tcp("", 4649).family_addrinfo("", 80)
#=> #<Addrinfo: TCP (>

#=> #<Addrinfo: /tmp/sock2 SOCK_STREAM>

Returns the Encoding of the internal string if conversion is specified. Otherwise returns nil.

Calls WIN32OLE#invoke method.

Invoked by Ruby when obj is sent a message it cannot handle. symbol is the symbol for the method called, and args are any arguments that were passed to it. By default, the interpreter raises an error when this method is called. However, it is possible to override the method to provide more dynamic behavior. If it is decided that a particular method should not be handled, then super should be called, so that ancestors can pick up the missing method. The example below creates a class Roman, which responds to methods with names consisting of roman numerals, returning the corresponding integer values.

class Roman
  def roman_to_int(str)
    # ...

  def method_missing(symbol, *args)
    str = symbol.id2name
      super(symbol, *args)

r =
r.iv      #=> 4
r.xxiii   #=> 23      #=> 2000     #=> NoMethodError

Returns the internal encoding for strings read from ARGF as an Encoding object.

If ARGF.set_encoding has been called with two encoding names, the second is returned. Otherwise, if Encoding.default_external has been set, that value is returned. Failing that, if a default external encoding was specified on the command-line, that value is used. If the encoding is unknown, nil is returned.

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