Allows to create timestamp requests or parse existing ones. A Request is also needed for creating timestamps from scratch with Factory. When created from scratch, some default values are set:

Class Methods

When creating a Request with the File or string parameter, the corresponding File or string must be DER-encoded.

Instance Methods

Returns the ‘short name’ of the object identifier that represents the algorithm that was used to create the message imprint digest.

Allows to set the object identifier or the ‘short name’ of the algorithm that was used to create the message imprint digest.


request.algorithm = "SHA1"

Specify whether the response shall contain the timestamp authority’s certificate or not. The default value is true.

Indicates whether the response shall contain the timestamp authority’s certificate or not.

Returns the message imprint (digest) of the data to be timestamped.

Set the message imprint digest.

Returns the nonce (number used once) that the server shall include in its response.

Sets the nonce (number used once) that the server shall include in its response. If the nonce is set, the server must return the same nonce value in a valid Response.

Returns the ‘short name’ of the object identifier that represents the timestamp policy under which the server shall create the timestamp.

Allows to set the object identifier that represents the timestamp policy under which the server shall create the timestamp. This may be left nil, implying that the timestamp server will issue the timestamp using some default policy.


request.policy_id = ""

DER-encodes this Request.

No documentation available

Returns the version of this request. 1 is the default value.

Sets the version number for this Request. This should be 1 for compliant servers.