Results for: "Dir.chdir"

Changes permissions on the entries at the paths given in list (a single path or an array of paths) to the permissions given by mode; returns list if it is an array, [list] otherwise:

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.

Argument mode may be either an integer or a string:

Keyword arguments:

Related: FileUtils.chmod_R.

Like FileUtils.chmod, but changes permissions recursively.

Like FileUtils.chmod, but changes permissions recursively.

Changes the owner and group on the entries at the paths given in list (a single path or an array of paths) to the given user and group; returns list if it is an array, [list] otherwise:

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.

User and group:


# One path.
# User and group as string names.
File.stat('src0.txt').uid # => 1004
File.stat('src0.txt').gid # => 1004
FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', 'src0.txt')
File.stat('src0.txt').uid # => 1006
File.stat('src0.txt').gid # => 1005

# User and group as uid and gid.
FileUtils.chown(1004, 1004, 'src0.txt')
File.stat('src0.txt').uid # => 1004
File.stat('src0.txt').gid # => 1004

# Array of paths.
FileUtils.chown(1006, 1005, ['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'])

# Directory (not recursive).
FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', '.')

Keyword arguments:

Related: FileUtils.chown_R.

Changes the owner and group on the entries at the paths given in list (a single path or an array of paths) to the given user and group; returns list if it is an array, [list] otherwise:

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.

User and group:


# One path.
# User and group as string names.
File.stat('src0.txt').uid # => 1004
File.stat('src0.txt').gid # => 1004
FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', 'src0.txt')
File.stat('src0.txt').uid # => 1006
File.stat('src0.txt').gid # => 1005

# User and group as uid and gid.
FileUtils.chown(1004, 1004, 'src0.txt')
File.stat('src0.txt').uid # => 1004
File.stat('src0.txt').gid # => 1004

# Array of paths.
FileUtils.chown(1006, 1005, ['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'])

# Directory (not recursive).
FileUtils.chown('user2', 'group1', '.')

Keyword arguments:

Related: FileUtils.chown_R.

Like FileUtils.chown, but changes owner and group recursively.

Like FileUtils.chown, but changes owner and group recursively.

Updates modification times (mtime) and access times (atime) of the entries given by the paths in list (a single path or an array of paths); returns list if it is an array, [list] otherwise.

By default, creates an empty file for any path to a non-existent entry; use keyword argument nocreate to raise an exception instead.

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.


# Single path.
f ='src0.txt') # Existing file.
f.atime # => 2022-06-10 11:11:21.200277 -0700
f.mtime # => 2022-06-10 11:11:21.200277 -0700
f ='src0.txt')
f.atime # => 2022-06-11 08:28:09.8185343 -0700
f.mtime # => 2022-06-11 08:28:09.8185343 -0700

# Array of paths.
FileUtils.touch(['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'])

Keyword arguments:

Related: FileUtils.uptodate?.

Updates modification times (mtime) and access times (atime) of the entries given by the paths in list (a single path or an array of paths); returns list if it is an array, [list] otherwise.

By default, creates an empty file for any path to a non-existent entry; use keyword argument nocreate to raise an exception instead.

Argument list or its elements should be interpretable as paths.


# Single path.
f ='src0.txt') # Existing file.
f.atime # => 2022-06-10 11:11:21.200277 -0700
f.mtime # => 2022-06-10 11:11:21.200277 -0700
f ='src0.txt')
f.atime # => 2022-06-11 08:28:09.8185343 -0700
f.mtime # => 2022-06-11 08:28:09.8185343 -0700

# Array of paths.
FileUtils.touch(['src0.txt', 'src0.dat'])

Keyword arguments:

Related: FileUtils.uptodate?.

Set the changed state of this object. Notifications will be sent only if the changed state is true.


Boolean indicating the changed state of this Observable.

Returns true if this object’s state has been changed since the last notify_observers call.

Avoids the potential for a child process to become a zombie process. Process.detach prevents this by setting up a separate Ruby thread whose sole job is to reap the status of the process pid when it terminates.

This method is needed only when the parent process will never wait for the child process.

This example does not reap the second child process; that process appears as a zombie in the process status (ps) output:

pid = Process.spawn('ruby', '-e', 'exit 13') # => 312691
# Find zombies.
system("ps -ho pid,state -p #{pid}")


312716 Z

This example also does not reap the second child process, but it does detach the process so that it does not become a zombie:

pid = Process.spawn('ruby', '-e', 'exit 13') # => 313213
thread = Process.detach(pid)
# => #<Process::Waiter:0x00007f038f48b838 run>
system("ps -ho pid,state -p #{pid}")        # Finds no zombies.

The waiting thread can return the pid of the detached child process:                       # => 313262

Compile a ForwardingArgumentsNode node

Compile a ForwardingParameterNode node

Compile a ForwardingSuperNode node

Compile a RequiredParameterNode node

Compile a RescueModifierNode node

Compile a SourceEncodingNode node

Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingArgumentsNode nodes and continue walking the tree.

Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingParameterNode nodes and continue walking the tree.

Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingSuperNode nodes and continue walking the tree.

Dispatch enter and leave events for RequiredParameterNode nodes and continue walking the tree.

Dispatch enter and leave events for RescueModifierNode nodes and continue walking the tree.

Dispatch enter and leave events for SourceEncodingNode nodes and continue walking the tree.

Copy a ForwardingArgumentsNode node

Search took: 3ms  ·  Total Results: 1391