Desugar ‘x ||= y` to `defined?(x) ? x : x = y`
Dispatch enter and leave events for CallAndWriteNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for CallOperatorWriteNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for CallOrWriteNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for IndexAndWriteNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for IndexOperatorWriteNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for IndexOrWriteNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for KeywordRestParameterNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for MatchLastLineNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for NoKeywordsParameterNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for RequiredKeywordParameterNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Copy a RequiredKeywordParameterNode
Reset nil attributes to their default values to make the spec valid