Compile a SourceLineNode
Desugar ‘x &&= y` to `x && x = y`
Desugar ‘x += y` to `x = x + y`
Desugar ‘x ||= y` to `x || x = y`
Dispatch enter and leave events for ArrayPatternNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for AssocSplatNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for BlockArgumentNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for BlockParameterNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for BlockParametersNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for CallTargetNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for CapturePatternNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for CaseMatchNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for EmbeddedStatementsNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for FindPatternNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for FlipFlopNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingArgumentsNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingParameterNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for ForwardingSuperNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for HashPatternNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for ImplicitRestNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for IndexTargetNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedStringNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedSymbolNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedXStringNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.
Dispatch enter and leave events for KeywordHashNode
nodes and continue walking the tree.