Results for: "partition"

Writes a number of random generated bytes (currently 1024) to filename which can be used to initialize the PRNG by calling ::load_random_file in a later session.

Calls the block with each capitalized field name:

res = Net::HTTP.get_response(hostname, '/todos/1')
res.each_capitalized_name do |key|
  p key if key.start_with?('C')



The capitalization is system-dependent; see Case Mapping.

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

Sets the value of field 'Content-Type'; returns the new value; see Content-Type request header:

req =
req.set_content_type('application/json') # => ["application/json"]

Net::HTTPHeader#content_type= is an alias for Net::HTTPHeader#set_content_type.

Yields to a block and preserves the previous set of objects being printed.

Creates a self-signed certificate with an issuer and subject from email, a subject alternative name of email and the given extensions for the key.

No documentation available

Asks for a password with a prompt

Run UDP/IP server loop on the given sockets.

The return value of Socket.udp_server_sockets is appropriate for the argument.

It calls the block for each message received.

Add a list of paths to the $LOAD_PATH at the proper place.

No documentation available

Returns a URL-encoded string derived from the given string str.

The returned string:


In either case, the returned string has forced encoding Encoding::US_ASCII.

Related: URI.encode_uri_component (encodes ' ' as '%20').

Returns a string decoded from the given URL-encoded string str.

The given string is first encoded as Encoding::ASCII-8BIT (using String#b), then decoded (as below), and finally force-encoded to the given encoding enc.

The returned string:

Related: URI.decode_uri_component (preserves '+').

Returns the string that is used to insert a space before the ‘:’ in JSON objects.

Sets the string that is used to insert a space before the ‘:’ in JSON objects.

This string is put at the end of a line that holds a JSON array.

This string is put at the end of a line that holds a JSON array.

Returns true, if circular data structures should be checked, otherwise returns false.

Returns true, if only ASCII characters should be generated. Otherwise returns false.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
Search took: 5ms  ·  Total Results: 3946