Utility methods for using the RubyGems API.

The WebauthnListener class retrieves an OTP after a user successfully WebAuthns with the Gem host. An instance opens a socket using the TCPServer instance given and listens for a request from the Gem host. The request should be a GET request to the root path and contains the OTP code in the form of a query parameter ‘code`. The listener will return the code which will be used as the OTP for API requests.

Types of responses sent by the listener after receiving a request:

- 200 OK: OTP code was successfully retrieved
- 204 No Content: If the request was an OPTIONS request
- 400 Bad Request: If the request did not contain a query parameter `code`
- 404 Not Found: The request was not to the root path
- 405 Method Not Allowed: OTP code was not retrieved because the request was not a GET/OPTIONS request

Example usage:

thread = Gem::WebauthnListener.listener_thread("https://rubygems.example", server)
otp = thread[:otp]
error = thread[:error]

The WebauthnListener Response class is used by the WebauthnListener to create responses to be sent to the Gem host. It creates a Gem::Net::HTTPResponse instance when initialized and can be converted to the appropriate format to be sent by a socket using ‘to_s`. Gem::Net::HTTPResponse instances cannot be directly sent over a socket.

Types of response classes:

- OkResponse
- NoContentResponse
- BadRequestResponse
- NotFoundResponse
- MethodNotAllowedResponse

Example usage:

server = TCPServer.new(0)
socket = server.accept

response = OkResponse.for("https://rubygems.example")
socket.print response.to_s

The WebauthnPoller class retrieves an OTP after a user successfully WebAuthns. An instance polls the Gem host for the OTP code. The polling request (api/v1/webauthn_verification/<webauthn_token>/status.json) is sent to the Gem host every 5 seconds and will timeout after 5 minutes. If the status field in the json response is “success”, the code field will contain the OTP code.

Example usage:

thread = Gem::WebauthnPoller.poll_thread(
  { email: "email@example.com", password: "password" }
otp = thread[:otp]
error = thread[:error]
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Instance Methods

Add the –key option

Add the –otp option

The API key from the command options or from the user’s configuration.

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The host to connect to either from the RUBYGEMS_HOST environment variable or from the user’s configuration

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The OTP code from the command options or from the user’s configuration.

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Creates an RubyGems API to host and path with the given HTTP method.

If allowed_push_host metadata is present, then it will only allow that host.

Returns true when the user has enabled multifactor authentication from response text and no otp provided by options.

Signs in with the RubyGems API at sign_in_host and sets the rubygems API key.

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Retrieves the pre-configured API key key or terminates interaction with an error.

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If response is an HTTP Success (2XX) response, yields the response if a block was given or shows the response body to the user.

If the response was not successful, shows an error to the user including the error_prefix and the response body. If the response was a permanent redirect, shows an error to the user including the redirect location.