Results for: "match"

The standard configuration object for gems.

Use the given configuration object (which implements the ConfigFile protocol) as the standard configuration object.

The path to the data directory specified by the gem name. If the package is not available as a gem, return nil.

A Zlib::Deflate.deflate wrapper

Retrieve the PathSupport object that RubyGems uses to lookup files.

Initialize the filesystem paths to use from env. env is a hash-like object (typically ENV) that is queried for ‘GEM_HOME’, ‘GEM_PATH’, and ‘GEM_SPEC_CACHE’ Keys for the env hash should be Strings, and values of the hash should be Strings or nil.

No documentation available

Set array of platforms this RubyGems supports (primarily for testing).

Array of platforms this RubyGems supports.

Returns the arc tangent of y and x in radians.


atan2(-1.0, -1.0) # => -2.356194490192345  # -3*PI/4
atan2(-1.0, 0.0)  # => -1.5707963267948966 # -PI/2
atan2(-1.0, 1.0)  # => -0.7853981633974483 # -PI/4
atan2(0.0, -1.0)  # => 3.141592653589793   # PI

Returns the arc tangent of x.


atan(-INFINITY) # => -1.5707963267948966 # -PI2
atan(-PI)       # => -1.2626272556789115
atan(-PI/2)     # => -1.0038848218538872
atan(0.0)       # => 0.0
atan(PI/2)      # => 1.0038848218538872
atan(PI)        # => 1.2626272556789115
atan(INFINITY)  # => 1.5707963267948966  # PI/2

Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.


atanh(-1.0) # => -Infinity
atanh(0.0)  # => 0.0
atanh(1.0)  # => Infinity

Returns the value of the gamma function for x.


gamma(-2.5)      # => -0.9453087204829431
gamma(-1.5)      # => 2.3632718012073513
gamma(-0.5)      # => -3.5449077018110375
gamma(0.0)      # => Infinity
gamma(1.0)      # => 1.0
gamma(2.0)      # => 1.0
gamma(3.0)      # => 2.0
gamma(4.0)      # => 6.0
gamma(5.0)      # => 24.0

Related: Math.lgamma.

Returns a 2-element array equivalent to:

[Math.log(Math.gamma(x).abs), Math.gamma(x) < 0 ? -1 : 1]

See logarithmic gamma function.


lgamma(-4.0) # => [Infinity, -1]
lgamma(-3.0) # => [Infinity, -1]
lgamma(-2.0) # => [Infinity, -1]
lgamma(-1.0) # => [Infinity, -1]
lgamma(0.0)  # => [Infinity, 1]

lgamma(1.0)  # => [0.0, 1]
lgamma(2.0)  # => [0.0, 1]
lgamma(3.0)  # => [0.6931471805599436, 1]
lgamma(4.0)  # => [1.7917594692280545, 1]

lgamma(-2.5) # => [-0.05624371649767279, -1]
lgamma(-1.5) # => [0.8600470153764797, 1]
lgamma(-0.5) # => [1.265512123484647, -1]
lgamma(0.5)  # => [0.5723649429247004, 1]
lgamma(1.5)  # => [-0.12078223763524676, 1]
lgamma(2.5)      # => [0.2846828704729205, 1]

Related: Math.gamma.

Some operating systems retain the status of terminated child processes until the parent collects that status (normally using some variant of wait()). If the parent never collects this status, the child stays around as a zombie process. Process::detach prevents this by setting up a separate Ruby thread whose sole job is to reap the status of the process pid when it terminates. Use detach only when you do not intend to explicitly wait for the child to terminate.

The waiting thread returns the exit status of the detached process when it terminates, so you can use Thread#join to know the result. If specified pid is not a valid child process ID, the thread returns nil immediately.

The waiting thread has pid method which returns the pid.

In this first example, we don’t reap the first child process, so it appears as a zombie in the process status display.

p1 = fork { sleep 0.1 }
p2 = fork { sleep 0.2 }
sleep 2
system("ps -ho pid,state -p #{p1}")


27389 Z

In the next example, Process::detach is used to reap the child automatically.

p1 = fork { sleep 0.1 }
p2 = fork { sleep 0.2 }
sleep 2
system("ps -ho pid,state -p #{p1}")

(produces no output)

Returns the maximum number of GIDs allowed in the supplemental group access list.

Process.maxgroups   #=> 32

Sets the maximum number of GIDs allowed in the supplemental group access list.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Enumerates the outdated local gems yielding the local specification and the latest remote version.

This method may take some time to return as it must check each local gem against the server’s index.

Returns a Hash containing the following keys:


Number of started SSL/TLS handshakes in server mode


Number of established SSL/TLS sessions in server mode


Number of start renegotiations in server mode


Number of sessions that were removed due to cache overflow


Number of successfully reused connections


Number of sessions proposed by clients that were not found in the cache


Number of sessions in the internal session cache


Number of sessions retrieved from the external cache in server mode


Number of started SSL/TLS handshakes in client mode


Number of established SSL/TLS sessions in client mode


Number of start renegotiations in client mode


Number of sessions proposed by clients that were found in the cache but had expired due to timeouts

Enables use of shared session key material in accordance with RFC 5705.

Returns true if key is the corresponding private key to the Subject Public Key Information, false otherwise.

No documentation available
No documentation available
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