Results for: "match"

Returns the value as a rational if possible (the imaginary part should be exactly zero).

Complex(1.0/3, 0).rationalize  #=> (1/3)
Complex(1, 0.0).rationalize    # RangeError
Complex(1, 2).rationalize      # RangeError

See to_r.

Returns zero as a rational. The optional argument eps is always ignored.

Returns the remainder after dividing self by other.

Of the Core and Standard Library classes, only Float and Rational use this implementation.


11.0.remainder(4)              # => 3.0
11.0.remainder(-4)             # => 3.0
-11.0.remainder(4)             # => -3.0
-11.0.remainder(-4)            # => -3.0

12.0.remainder(4)              # => 0.0
12.0.remainder(-4)             # => 0.0
-12.0.remainder(4)             # => -0.0
-12.0.remainder(-4)            # => -0.0

13.0.remainder(4.0)            # => 1.0
13.0.remainder(Rational(4, 1)) # => 1.0

Rational(13, 1).remainder(4)   # => (1/1)
Rational(13, 1).remainder(-4)  # => (1/1)
Rational(-13, 1).remainder(4)  # => (-1/1)
Rational(-13, 1).remainder(-4) # => (-1/1)

Returns the absolute value of self.

12.abs        #=> 12
(-34.56).abs  #=> 34.56
-34.56.abs    #=> 34.56

Numeric#magnitude is an alias for Numeric#abs.

Returns self truncated (toward zero) to a precision of digits decimal digits.

Numeric implements this by converting self to a Float and invoking Float#truncate.

Returns true if self is less than 0, false otherwise.

Returns zero.

No documentation available

Returns self.

Returns the numerator.

Returns the denominator (always positive).

Returns a string containing the first character of self:

s = 'foo' # => "foo"
s.chr     # => "f"

Returns an array of the characters in self:

'hello'.chars     # => ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]
'тест'.chars      # => ["т", "е", "с", "т"]
'こんにちは'.chars # => ["こ", "ん", "に", "ち", "は"]

Concatenates each object in objects to self and returns self:

s = 'foo'
s.concat('bar', 'baz') # => "foobarbaz"
s                      # => "foobarbaz"

For each given object object that is an Integer, the value is considered a codepoint and converted to a character before concatenation:

s = 'foo'
s.concat(32, 'bar', 32, 'baz') # => "foo bar baz"

Related: String#<<, which takes a single argument.

Returns a new string copied from self, with trailing characters possibly removed.

Removes "\r\n" if those are the last two characters.

"abc\r\n".chop      # => "abc"
"тест\r\n".chop     # => "тест"
"こんにちは\r\n".chop # => "こんにちは"

Otherwise removes the last character if it exists.

'abcd'.chop     # => "abc"
'тест'.chop     # => "тес"
'こんにちは'.chop # => "こんにち"
''.chop         # => ""

If you only need to remove the newline separator at the end of the string, String#chomp is a better alternative.

Returns a new string copied from self, with trailing characters possibly removed:

When line_sep is "\n", removes the last one or two characters if they are "\r", "\n", or "\r\n" (but not "\n\r"):

$/                    # => "\n"
"abc\r".chomp         # => "abc"
"abc\n".chomp         # => "abc"
"abc\r\n".chomp       # => "abc"
"abc\n\r".chomp       # => "abc\n"
"тест\r\n".chomp      # => "тест"
"こんにちは\r\n".chomp  # => "こんにちは"

When line_sep is '' (an empty string), removes multiple trailing occurrences of "\n" or "\r\n" (but not "\r" or "\n\r"):

"abc\n\n\n".chomp('')           # => "abc"
"abc\r\n\r\n\r\n".chomp('')     # => "abc"
"abc\n\n\r\n\r\n\n\n".chomp('') # => "abc"
"abc\n\r\n\r\n\r".chomp('')     # => "abc\n\r\n\r\n\r"
"abc\r\r\r".chomp('')           # => "abc\r\r\r"

When line_sep is neither "\n" nor '', removes a single trailing line separator if there is one:

'abcd'.chomp('d')  # => "abc"
'abcdd'.chomp('d') # => "abcd"

Like String#chop, but modifies self in place; returns nil if self is empty, self otherwise.

Related: String#chomp!.

Like String#chomp, but modifies self in place; returns nil if no modification made, self otherwise.

Returns self truncated (toward zero) to a precision of ndigits decimal digits.

When ndigits is positive, returns a float with ndigits digits after the decimal point (as available):

f = 12345.6789
f.truncate(1) # => 12345.6
f.truncate(3) # => 12345.678
f = -12345.6789
f.truncate(1) # => -12345.6
f.truncate(3) # => -12345.678

When ndigits is negative, returns an integer with at least ndigits.abs trailing zeros:

f = 12345.6789
f.truncate(0)  # => 12345
f.truncate(-3) # => 12000
f = -12345.6789
f.truncate(0)  # => -12345
f.truncate(-3) # => -12000

Note that the limited precision of floating-point arithmetic may lead to surprising results:

(0.3 / 0.1).truncate  #=> 2 (!)

Related: Float#round.

No documentation available

Returns true if float is less than 0.

Returns the numerator. The result is machine dependent.

n = 0.3.numerator    #=> 5404319552844595
d = 0.3.denominator  #=> 18014398509481984
n.fdiv(d)            #=> 0.3

See also Float#denominator.

Returns the denominator (always positive). The result is machine dependent.

See also Float#numerator.

Returns a simpler approximation of the value (flt-|eps| <= result <= flt+|eps|). If the optional argument eps is not given, it will be chosen automatically.

0.3.rationalize          #=> (3/10)
1.333.rationalize        #=> (1333/1000)
1.333.rationalize(0.01)  #=> (4/3)

See also Float#to_r.

Returns the Fiber scheduler, that was last set for the current thread with Fiber.set_scheduler. Returns nil if no scheduler is set (which is the default), and non-blocking fibers’ behavior is the same as blocking. (see “Non-blocking fibers” section in class docs for details about the scheduler concept).

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