Results for: "Dir.chdir"

Yields each environment variable name and its value as a 2-element Array:

h = {}
ENV.each_pair { |name, value| h[name] = value } # => ENV
h # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}

Returns an Enumerator if no block given:

h = {}
e = ENV.each_pair # => #<Enumerator: {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}:each_pair>
e.each { |name, value| h[name] = value } # => ENV
h # => {"bar"=>"1", "foo"=>"0"}
No documentation available

Returns an array with bindir attached to each executable in the executables list

Quietly ensure the Gem directory dir contains all the proper subdirectories for handling default gems. If we can’t create a directory due to a permission problem, then we will silently continue.

If mode is given, missing directories are created with this mode.

World-writable directories will never be created.

Returns elements from self; does not modify self.

When no argument is given, returns the first element:

a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
a.first # => :foo
a # => [:foo, "bar", 2]

If self is empty, returns nil.

When non-negative Integer argument n is given, returns the first n elements in a new Array:

a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
a.first(2) # => [:foo, "bar"]

If n >= array.size, returns all elements:

a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
a.first(50) # => [:foo, "bar", 2]

If n == 0 returns an new empty Array:

a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
a.first(0) # []

Related: last.

Returns a new Array containing only those elements from self that are not found in any of the Arrays other_arrays; items are compared using eql?; order from self is preserved:

[0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1].difference([1]) # => [0, 2, 3]
[0, 1, 2, 3].difference([3, 0], [1, 3]) # => [2]
[0, 1, 2].difference([4]) # => [0, 1, 2]

Returns a copy of self if no arguments given.

Related: Array#-.

Finds and returns the object in nested objects that is specified by index and identifiers. The nested objects may be instances of various classes. See Dig Methods.


a = [:foo, [:bar, :baz, [:bat, :bam]]]
a.dig(1) # => [:bar, :baz, [:bat, :bam]]
a.dig(1, 2) # => [:bat, :bam]
a.dig(1, 2, 0) # => :bat
a.dig(1, 2, 3) # => nil

Returns a Digest subclass by name in a thread-safe manner even when on-demand loading is involved.

require 'digest'

# => Digest::MD5

# => Digest::SHA256

# => LoadError: library not found for class Digest::Foo -- digest/foo

Prints obj on the given port (default $>). Equivalent to:

def display(port=$>)
  port.write self

For example:

[ 4, 5, 6 ].display


1cat[4, 5, 6]

Performs integer division; returns the integer result of dividing self by numeric:

  4.div(3)      # => 1
  4.div(-3)      # => -2
  -4.div(3)      # => -2
  -4.div(-3)      # => 1
  4.div(3.0)      # => 1
  4.div(Rational(3, 1))      # => 1

Raises an exception if +numeric+ does not have method +div+.

Returns a 2-element array [q, r], where

q = (self/other).floor    # Quotient
r = self % other          # Remainder


11.divmod(4)              # => [2, 3]
11.divmod(-4)             # => [-3, -1]
-11.divmod(4)             # => [-3, 1]
-11.divmod(-4)            # => [2, -3]

12.divmod(4)              # => [3, 0]
12.divmod(-4)             # => [-3, 0]
-12.divmod(4)             # => [-3, 0]
-12.divmod(-4)            # => [3, 0]

13.divmod(4.0)            # => [3, 1.0]
13.divmod(Rational(4, 1)) # => [3, (1/1)]

Returns the Float result of dividing self by numeric:

4.fdiv(2)      # => 2.0
4.fdiv(-2)      # => -2.0
-4.fdiv(2)      # => -2.0
4.fdiv(2.0)      # => 2.0
4.fdiv(Rational(3, 4))      # => 5.333333333333333

Raises an exception if numeric cannot be converted to a Float.

Returns an array of integers representing the base-radix digits of self; the first element of the array represents the least significant digit:

12345.digits      # => [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
12345.digits(7)   # => [4, 6, 6, 0, 5]
12345.digits(100) # => [45, 23, 1]

Raises an exception if self is negative or base is less than 2.

Performs division as each part is a float, never returns a float.

Complex(11, 22).fdiv(3)  #=> (3.6666666666666665+7.333333333333333i)

Returns the quotient self/other as a float, using method / in the derived class of self. (Numeric itself does not define method /.)

Of the Core and Standard Library classes, only BigDecimal uses this implementation.

Returns the quotient self/other as an integer (via floor), using method / in the derived class of self. (Numeric itself does not define method /.)

Of the Core and Standard Library classes, Float, Rational, and Complex use this implementation.

Returns a 2-element array [q, r], where

q = (self/other).floor                  # Quotient
r = self % other                        # Remainder

Of the Core and Standard Library classes, only Rational uses this implementation.


Rational(11, 1).divmod(4)               # => [2, (3/1)]
Rational(11, 1).divmod(-4)              # => [-3, (-1/1)]
Rational(-11, 1).divmod(4)              # => [-3, (1/1)]
Rational(-11, 1).divmod(-4)             # => [2, (-3/1)]

Rational(12, 1).divmod(4)               # => [3, (0/1)]
Rational(12, 1).divmod(-4)              # => [-3, (0/1)]
Rational(-12, 1).divmod(4)              # => [-3, (0/1)]
Rational(-12, 1).divmod(-4)             # => [3, (0/1)]

Rational(13, 1).divmod(4.0)             # => [3, 1.0]
Rational(13, 1).divmod(Rational(4, 11)) # => [35, (3/11)]

Returns the Encoding object that represents the encoding of obj.

Returns the quotient from dividing self by other:

f = 3.14
f.quo(2)              # => 1.57
f.quo(-2)             # => -1.57
f.quo(Rational(2, 1)) # => 1.57
f.quo(Complex(2, 0))  # => (1.57+0.0i)

Float#fdiv is an alias for Float#quo.

Returns a 2-element array [q, r], where

q = (self/other).floor      # Quotient
r = self % other            # Remainder


11.0.divmod(4)              # => [2, 3.0]
11.0.divmod(-4)             # => [-3, -1.0]
-11.0.divmod(4)             # => [-3, 1.0]
-11.0.divmod(-4)            # => [2, -3.0]

12.0.divmod(4)              # => [3, 0.0]
12.0.divmod(-4)             # => [-3, 0.0]
-12.0.divmod(4)             # => [-3, -0.0]
-12.0.divmod(-4)            # => [3, -0.0]

13.0.divmod(4.0)            # => [3, 1.0]
13.0.divmod(Rational(4, 1)) # => [3, 1.0]
No documentation available

Returns the birth time for file."testfile").birthtime   #=> Wed Apr 09 08:53:14 CDT 2003

If the platform doesn’t have birthtime, raises NotImplementedError.

Divide by the specified value.


If specified and less than the number of significant digits of the result, the result is rounded to that number of digits, according to BigDecimal.mode.

If digits is 0, the result is the same as for the / operator or quo.

If digits is not specified, the result is an integer, by analogy with Float#div; see also BigDecimal#divmod.

See BigDecimal#/. See BigDecimal#quo.


a = BigDecimal("4")
b = BigDecimal("3")

a.div(b, 3)  # => 0.133e1

a.div(b, 0)  # => 0.1333333333333333333e1
a / b        # => 0.1333333333333333333e1
a.quo(b)     # => 0.1333333333333333333e1

a.div(b)     # => 1

Divides by the specified value, and returns the quotient and modulus as BigDecimal numbers. The quotient is rounded towards negative infinity.

For example:

require 'bigdecimal'

a = BigDecimal("42")
b = BigDecimal("9")

q, m = a.divmod(b)

c = q * b + m

a == c  #=> true

The quotient q is (a/b).floor, and the modulus is the amount that must be added to q * b to get a.

Performs division and returns the value as a Float.

Rational(2, 3).fdiv(1)       #=> 0.6666666666666666
Rational(2, 3).fdiv(0.5)     #=> 1.3333333333333333
Rational(2).fdiv(3)          #=> 0.6666666666666666
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