Results for: "partition"

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

This class is used by rubygems to build Rust extensions. It is a thin-wrapper over the ‘cargo rustc` command which takes care of building Rust code in a way that Ruby can use.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Raised when a tar file is corrupt

A header for a tar file

TarReader reads tar files and allows iteration over their items

Used internally to indicate that a dependency conflicted with a spec that would be activated.

A GitSet represents gems that are sourced from git repositories.

This is used for gem dependency file support.


set =
set.add_git_gem 'rake', 'git://example/rake.git', tag: 'rake-10.1.0'

A git gem for use in a gem dependencies file.


source = 'rake', 'git@example:rake.git', 'rake-10.1.0', false


An absolutely silent progress reporter.

A basic dotted progress reporter.

A progress reporter that prints out messages about the current progress.

An absolutely silent download reporter.

A progress reporter that behaves nicely with threaded downloading.

An absolutely silent IO.

No documentation available
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