RFC 2617 Digest Access Authentication for WEBrick

Use this class to add digest authentication to a WEBrick servlet.

Here is an example of how to set up DigestAuth:

config = { :Realm => 'DigestAuth example realm' }

htdigest = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htdigest.new 'my_password_file'
htdigest.set_passwd config[:Realm], 'username', 'password'

config[:UserDB] = htdigest

digest_auth = WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth.new config

When using this as with a servlet be sure not to create a new DigestAuth object in the servlet’s initialize. By default WEBrick creates a new servlet instance for every request and the DigestAuth object must be used across requests.

No documentation available

Struct containing the opaque portion of the digest authentication


Digest authentication algorithm



Quality of protection. RFC 2617 defines “auth” and “auth-int”

Class Methods

Used by UserDB to create a digest password entry

Creates a new DigestAuth instance. Be sure to use the same DigestAuth instance for multiple requests as it saves state between requests in order to perform authentication.

See WEBrick::Config::DigestAuth for default configuration entries

You must supply the following configuration entries:


The name of the realm being protected.


A database of usernames and passwords. A WEBrick::HTTPAuth::Htdigest instance should be used.

Instance Methods

Authenticates a req and returns a 401 Unauthorized using res if the authentication was not correct.

Returns a challenge response which asks for authentication information