Results for: "strip"

Used Internally. Wraps a Dependency object to also track which spec contained the Dependency.

An InstalledSpecification represents a gem that is already installed locally.

A set of gems for installation sourced from remote sources and local .gem files

The RequirementList is used to hold the requirements being considered while resolving a set of gems.

The RequirementList acts like a queue where the oldest items are removed first.

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No documentation available

Represents an installed gem. This is used for dependency resolution.

The StaticSet is a static set of gem specifications used for testing only. It is available by requiring Gem::TestCase.

RFC 2617 Digest Access Authentication for WEBrick

Use this class to add digest authentication to a WEBrick servlet.

Here is an example of how to set up DigestAuth:

config = { :Realm => 'DigestAuth example realm' }

htdigest = 'my_password_file'
htdigest.set_passwd config[:Realm], 'username', 'password'

config[:UserDB] = htdigest

digest_auth = config

When using this as with a servlet be sure not to create a new DigestAuth object in the servlet’s initialize. By default WEBrick creates a new servlet instance for every request and the DigestAuth object must be used across requests.

Digest authentication for proxy servers. See DigestAuth for details.

Htdigest accesses apache-compatible digest password files. Passwords are matched to a realm where they are valid. For security, the path for a digest password database should be stored outside of the paths available to the HTTP server.

Htdigest is intended for use with WEBrick::HTTPAuth::DigestAuth and stores passwords using cryptographic hashes.

htpasswd = 'my_password_file'
htpasswd.set_passwd 'my realm', 'username', 'password'

Root of the HTTP status class hierarchy

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Indicates a problem with the DNS request.

A generic resource abstract class.

A Pointer to another DNS name.

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No documentation available

The URI of the person or entity.


TextConstruct that contains copyright information regarding the content in an Entry or Feed. It should not be used to convey machine readable licensing information.


Defines a child Atom Entry element of an Atom Feed element. It has the following attributes:


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