Results for: "tally"

Default options for the gem install command.

Prints all threads in @thread_list to @stdout. Returns a sorted array of values from the @thread_list hash.

While in the debugger you can list all of the threads with: DEBUGGER__.thread_list_all

(rdb:1) DEBUGGER__.thread_list_all
+1 #<Thread:0x007fb2320c03f0 run> debug_me.rb.rb:3
 2 #<Thread:0x007fb23218a538@debug_me.rb.rb:3 sleep>
 3 #<Thread:0x007fb23218b0f0@debug_me.rb.rb:3 sleep>
[1, 2, 3]

Your current thread is indicated by a +

Additionally you can list all threads with th l

(rdb:1) th l
 +1 #<Thread:0x007f99328c0410 run>  debug_me.rb:3
  2 #<Thread:0x007f9932938230@debug_me.rb:3 sleep> debug_me.rb:3
  3 #<Thread:0x007f9932938e10@debug_me.rb:3 sleep> debug_me.rb:3

See DEBUGGER__ for more usage.

No documentation available

Starts tracing object allocations from the ObjectSpace extension module.

For example:

require 'objspace'

class C
  include ObjectSpace

  def foo
    trace_object_allocations do
      obj =
      p "#{allocation_sourcefile(obj)}:#{allocation_sourceline(obj)}"
end #=> "objtrace.rb:8"

This example has included the ObjectSpace module to make it easier to read, but you can also use the ::trace_object_allocations notation (recommended).

Note that this feature introduces a huge performance decrease and huge memory consumption.

Returns the class for the given object.

class A
  def foo
    ObjectSpace::trace_object_allocations do
      obj =
      p "#{ObjectSpace::allocation_class_path(obj)}"
end #=> "Class"

See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples.

Returns the method identifier for the given object.

class A
  include ObjectSpace

  def foo
    trace_object_allocations do
      obj =
      p "#{allocation_class_path(obj)}##{allocation_method_id(obj)}"
end #=> "Class#new"

See ::trace_object_allocations for more information and examples.

Return consuming memory size of all living objects.

If klass (should be Class object) is given, return the total memory size of instances of the given class.

Note that the returned size is incomplete. You need to deal with this information as only a HINT. Especially, the size of T_DATA may not be correct.

Note that this method does NOT return total malloc’ed memory size.

This method can be defined by the following Ruby code:

def memsize_of_all klass = false
  total = 0
    total += ObjectSpace.memsize_of(e) if klass == false || e.kind_of?(klass)

This method is only expected to work with C Ruby.

The file name and line number of the caller of the caller of this method.

depth is how many layers up the call stack it should go.


def a; Gem.location_of_caller; end a #=> [“x.rb”, 2] # (it’ll vary depending on file name and line number)

def b; c; end def c; Gem.location_of_caller(2); end b #=> [“x.rb”, 6] # (it’ll vary depending on file name and line number)

No documentation available

Returns the total bytes of the input data to the stream. FIXME

Returns the total bytes of the output data from the stream. FIXME

Returns true if stat is writable by the real user id of this process.

File.stat("testfile").writable_real?   #=> true

Same as executable?, but tests using the real owner of the process.

No documentation available

Starts a POP3 session and deletes all messages on the server. If a block is given, each POPMail object is yielded to it before being deleted.

This method raises a POPAuthenticationError if authentication fails.


Net::POP3.delete_all('', 110,
                     'YourAccount', 'YourPassword') do |m|
  file.write m.pop

Deletes all messages on the server.

If called with a block, yields each message in turn before deleting it.


n = 1
pop.delete_all do |m|"inbox/#{n}") do |f|
    f.write m.pop
  n += 1

This method raises a POPError if an error occurs.

true if this object uses STARTTLS.

@return the XMLDecl standalone value of this document as a String. If no XMLDecl has been set, returns the default setting.

Removes multiple elements. Filters for Element children, regardless of XPath matching.


all elements matching this String path are removed.


an Array of Elements that have been removed

doc = '<a><c/><c/><c/><c/></a>'
deleted = doc.elements.delete_all 'a/c' #-> [<c/>, <c/>, <c/>, <c/>]

Deletes all attributes matching a name. Namespaces are significant.


A String; all attributes that match this path will be removed


an Array of the Attributes that were removed

Reads all tuples matching tuple from the proxied TupleSpace. See TupleSpace#read_all.

Finds all live tuples that match template.

Returns all tuples matching tuple. Does not remove the found tuples.

No documentation available

Used by the Resolver, the protocol to use a AvailableSet as a search Set.

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