A class that defines the set of Attributes of an Element and provides operations for accessing elements in that set.

Class Methods



the Element of which this is an Attribute

Instance Methods
An alias for add

Fetches an attribute value. If you want to get the Attribute itself, use get_attribute()


an XPath attribute name. Namespaces are relevant here.


the String value of the matching attribute, or nil if no matching attribute was found. This is the unnormalized value (with entities expanded).

doc = Document.new "<a foo:att='1' bar:att='2' att='&lt;'/>"
doc.root.attributes['att']         #-> '<'
doc.root.attributes['bar:att']     #-> '2'

Sets an attribute, overwriting any existing attribute value by the same name. Namespace is significant.


the name of the attribute


(optional) If supplied, the value of the attribute. If nil, any existing matching attribute is deleted.


Owning element

doc = Document.new "<a x:foo='1' foo='3'/>"
doc.root.attributes['y:foo'] = '2'
doc.root.attributes['foo'] = '4'
doc.root.attributes['x:foo'] = nil

Adds an attribute, overriding any existing attribute by the same name. Namespaces are significant.


An Attribute

Removes an attribute


either a String, which is the name of the attribute to remove – namespaces are significant here – or the attribute to remove.


the owning element

doc = Document.new "<a y:foo='0' x:foo='1' foo='3' z:foo='4'/>"
doc.root.attributes.delete 'foo'   #-> <a y:foo='0' x:foo='1' z:foo='4'/>"
doc.root.attributes.delete 'x:foo' #-> <a y:foo='0' z:foo='4'/>"
attr = doc.root.attributes.get_attribute('y:foo')
doc.root.attributes.delete attr    #-> <a z:foo='4'/>"

Deletes all attributes matching a name. Namespaces are significant.


A String; all attributes that match this path will be removed


an Array of the Attributes that were removed

Iterates over each attribute of an Element, yielding the expanded name and value as a pair of Strings.

doc = Document.new '<a x="1" y="2"/>'
doc.root.attributes.each {|name, value| p name+" => "+value }

Iterates over the attributes of an Element. Yields actual Attribute nodes, not String values.

doc = Document.new '<a x="1" y="2"/>'
doc.root.attributes.each_attribute {|attr|
  p attr.expanded_name+" => "+attr.value

Fetches an attribute


the name by which to search for the attribute. Can be a prefix:name namespace name.


The first matching attribute, or nil if there was none. This

value is an Attribute node, not the String value of the attribute.

doc = Document.new '<a x:foo="1" foo="2" bar="3"/>'
doc.root.attributes.get_attribute("foo").value    #-> "2"
doc.root.attributes.get_attribute("x:foo").value  #-> "1"

The get_attribute_ns method retrieves a method by its namespace and name. Thus it is possible to reliably identify an attribute even if an XML processor has changed the prefix.

Method contributed by Henrik Martensson

Returns the number of attributes the owning Element contains.

doc = Document "<a x='1' y='2' foo:x='3'/>"
doc.root.attributes.length        #-> 3
No documentation available

Returns an array of Strings containing all of the prefixes declared by this set of # attributes. The array does not include the default namespace declaration, if one exists.

doc = Document.new("<a xmlns='foo' xmlns:x='bar' xmlns:y='twee' "+
      "z='glorp' p:k='gru'/>")
prefixes = doc.root.attributes.prefixes    #-> ['x', 'y']
An alias for length
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