An HTTP request. This is consumed by service and do_* methods in WEBrick servlets

No documentation available

The complete request line such as:

GET / HTTP/1.1

The request method, GET, POST, PUT, etc.

The unparsed URI of the request

The HTTP version of the request

The parsed URI of the request


The request path

Read & Write

The script name (CGI variable)

Read & Write

The path info (CGI variable)

Read & Write

The query from the URI of the request


The raw header of the request


The parsed header of the request


The parsed request cookies


The Accept header value

The Accept-Charset header value

The Accept-Encoding header value

The Accept-Language header value

Read & Write

The remote user (CGI variable)


The socket address of the server


The socket address of the client


Hash of request attributes


Is this a keep-alive connection?

The local time this request was received


HTTP request SSL cipher

HTTP request server certificate

HTTP request client certificate

Class Methods

Creates a new HTTP request. WEBrick::Config::HTTP is the default configuration.

Instance Methods

Retrieves header_name

Returns the request body.

The content-length header

The content-type header

Iterates over the request headers

The host this request is for

Should the connection this request was made on be kept alive?

This method provides the metavariables defined by the revision 3 of “The WWW Common Gateway Interface Version 1.1” To browse the current document of CGI Version 1.1, see below:

Parses a request from socket. This is called internally by WEBrick::HTTPServer.

The port this request is for

Request query as a Hash

The client’s IP address

The server name this request is for

Is this an SSL request?