Results for: "Pathname"

Return the path as a String.

to_path is implemented so Pathname objects are usable with, etc.

Returns true if self points to a mountpoint.

Predicate method for root directories. Returns true if the pathname consists of consecutive slashes.

It doesn’t access the filesystem. So it may return false for some pathnames which points to roots such as /usr/...

Predicate method for testing whether a path is absolute.

It returns true if the pathname begins with a slash.

p ='/im/sure')
    #=> true

p ='not/so/sure')
    #=> false

Iterates over and yields a new Pathname object for each element in the given path in descending order.'/path/to/some/file.rb').descend {|v| p v}
   #<Pathname:/path/to/some/file.rb>'path/to/some/file.rb').descend {|v| p v}

Returns an Enumerator if no block was given.

enum ="/usr/bin/ruby").descend
  # ... do stuff ...
enum.each { |e| ... }
  # yields Pathnames /, /usr, /usr/bin, and /usr/bin/ruby.

It doesn’t access the filesystem.

Iterates over and yields a new Pathname object for each element in the given path in ascending order.'/path/to/some/file.rb').ascend {|v| p v}
   #<Pathname:/>'path/to/some/file.rb').ascend {|v| p v}

Returns an Enumerator if no block was given.

enum ="/usr/bin/ruby").ascend
  # ... do stuff ...
enum.each { |e| ... }
  # yields Pathnames /usr/bin/ruby, /usr/bin, /usr, and /.

It doesn’t access the filesystem.

Appends a pathname fragment to self to produce a new Pathname object. Since other is considered as a path relative to self, if other is an absolute path, the new Pathname object is created from just other.

p1 ="/usr")      # Pathname:/usr
p2 = p1 + "bin/ruby"           # Pathname:/usr/bin/ruby
p3 = p1 + "/etc/passwd"        # Pathname:/etc/passwd

# / is aliased to +.
p4 = p1 / "bin/ruby"           # Pathname:/usr/bin/ruby
p5 = p1 / "/etc/passwd"        # Pathname:/etc/passwd

This method doesn’t access the file system; it is pure string manipulation.

No documentation available

Joins the given pathnames onto self to create a new Pathname object. This is effectively the same as using Pathname#+ to append self and all arguments sequentially.

path0 ="/usr")                # Pathname:/usr
path0 = path0.join("bin/ruby")              # Pathname:/usr/bin/ruby
    # is the same as
path1 ="/usr") + "bin/ruby"   # Pathname:/usr/bin/ruby
path0 == path1
    #=> true

Returns the children of the directory (files and subdirectories, not recursive) as an array of Pathname objects.

By default, the returned pathnames will have enough information to access the files. If you set with_directory to false, then the returned pathnames will contain the filename only.

For example:

pn = Pathname("/usr/lib/ruby/1.8")
    # -> [ Pathname:/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/English.rb,
           Pathname:/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/abbrev.rb, ... ]
    # -> [ Pathname:English.rb, Pathname:Env.rb, Pathname:abbrev.rb, ... ]

Note that the results never contain the entries . and .. in the directory because they are not children.

Iterates over the directory tree in a depth first manner, yielding a Pathname for each file under “this” directory.

Returns an Enumerator if no block is given.

Since it is implemented by the standard library module Find, Find.prune can be used to control the traversal.

If self is ., yielded pathnames begin with a filename in the current directory, not ./.

See Find.find

Recursively deletes a directory, including all directories beneath it.

See FileUtils.rm_rf

Create a Pathname object from the given String (or String-like object). If path contains a NULL character (\0), an ArgumentError is raised.

Freezes this Pathname.

See Object.freeze.

Compare this pathname with other. The comparison is string-based. Be aware that two different paths (foo.txt and ./foo.txt) can refer to the same file.

Compare this pathname with other. The comparison is string-based. Be aware that two different paths (foo.txt and ./foo.txt) can refer to the same file.

Compare this pathname with other. The comparison is string-based. Be aware that two different paths (foo.txt and ./foo.txt) can refer to the same file.

Provides a case-sensitive comparison operator for pathnames.'/usr') <=>'/usr/bin')
    #=> -1'/usr/bin') <=>'/usr/bin')
    #=> 0'/usr/bin') <=>'/USR/BIN')
    #=> 1

It will return -1, 0 or 1 depending on the value of the left argument relative to the right argument. Or it will return nil if the arguments are not comparable.

Return a pathname which is substituted by String#sub.

path1 ='/usr/bin/perl')
path1.sub('perl', 'ruby')
    #=> #<Pathname:/usr/bin/ruby>

Returns all data from the file, or the first N bytes if specified.


Returns all the bytes from the file, or the first N if specified.

See File.binread.

Returns all the lines from the file.

See File.readlines.

Writes contents to the file.

See File.write.

Writes contents to the file, opening it in binary mode.

See File.binwrite.

See IO.sysopen.

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