Results for: "uniq!"

The column number in code units of the given encoding where this location starts from the start of the line.

The column number in code units of the given encoding where this location ends from the start of the line.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Like Enumerable#chunk, but chains operation to be lazy-evaluated.

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No documentation available

Releases all internal structural references for this engine.

May raise an EngineError if the engine is unavailable

Tokenize string returning the Ruby object

Get the output style, canonical or not.

Set the output style to canonical, or not.

Calls String#unpack on

sockopt =, :SOCKET, :KEEPALIVE, [1].pack("i"))
p sockopt.unpack("i")      #=> [1]
p"i") #=> [1]

disconnects OLE server. If this method called, then the WIN32OLE::Event object does not receive the OLE server event any more. This method is trial implementation.

ie ='InternetExplorer.Application')
ev =
ev.on_event() { something }
# ...

Returns true if the stream is finished.

Finishes the stream and flushes output buffer. If a block is given each chunk is yielded to the block until the input buffer has been flushed to the output buffer.

Closes the GzipFile object. Unlike Zlib::GzipFile#close, this method never calls the close method of the associated IO object. Returns the associated IO object.

Returns the rest of the data which had read for parsing gzip format, or nil if the whole gzip file is not parsed yet.

See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.

See Zlib::GzipReader documentation for a description.

Finishes the HTTP session:

http =
http.started? # => true
http.finish   # => nil
http.started? # => false

Raises IOError if not in a session.

No documentation available

Sends an UNLOCK request to the server; returns an instance of a subclass of Net::HTTPResponse.

The request is based on the Net::HTTP::Unlock object created from string path, string body, and initial headers hash initheader.

data = '{"userId": 1, "id": 1, "title": "delectus aut autem", "completed": false}'
http =
http.unlock('/todos/1', data)
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
Search took: 3ms  ·  Total Results: 409