Results for: "Dir.chdir"

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Takes a return result from an SSPI function and interprets the value.

Switch that takes an argument.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

IO wrapper that creates digests of contents written to the IO it wraps.

Raised when a bad requirement is encountered

The RequirementList is used to hold the requirements being considered while resolving a set of gems.

The RequirementList acts like a queue where the oldest items are removed first.

Enumerator::Chain is a subclass of Enumerator, which represents a chain of enumerables that works as a single enumerator.

This type of objects can be created by Enumerable#chain and Enumerator#+.

Subclasses ‘BadAlias` for backwards compatibility

Thrown when PTY::check is called for a pid that represents a process that has exited.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

spell checker for a dictionary that has a tree structure, see doc/

Response class for Switching Protocol responses (status code 101).

The <tt>Switching Protocol<tt> response indicates that the server has received a request to switch protocols, and has agreed to do so.


Response class for Multiple Choices responses (status code 300).

The Multiple Choices response indicates that the server offers multiple options for the resource from which the client may choose.


Response class for Multiple Choices responses (status code 300).

The Multiple Choices response indicates that the server offers multiple options for the resource from which the client may choose.


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