Results for: "partition"

No documentation available

Indicated whether this Cipher instance uses an Authenticated Encryption mode.

Parses a given string as a blob that contains configuration for OpenSSL.

Parse the YAML document contained in yaml. Events will be called on the handler set on the parser instance.

See Psych::Parser and Psych::Parser#handler

Starts the parser. init is a data accumulator and is passed to the next event handler (as of Enumerable#inject).

returns the timestamp as a time object.

ancillarydata should be one of following type:

No documentation available

returns array of WIN32OLE::Param object corresponding with method parameters.

tobj ='Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library', 'Workbook')
method =, 'SaveAs')
p method.params # => [Filename, FileFormat, Password, WriteResPassword,
                      ReadOnlyRecommended, CreateBackup, AccessMode,
                      ConflictResolution, AddToMru, TextCodepage,

Returns the type library version.

tlib ='Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library')
puts tlib.version #-> "1.3"

Returns OLE variant type.

obj ="string")
obj.vartype # => WIN32OLE::VARIANT::VT_BSTR

Changes the parameters of the deflate stream to allow changes between different types of data that require different types of compression. Any unprocessed data is flushed before changing the params.

See for a description of level and strategy.

Returns last modification time recorded in the gzip file header.

Specify the modification time (mtime) in the gzip header. Using an Integer.

Setting the mtime in the gzip header does not effect the mtime of the file generated. Different utilities that expand the gzipped files may use the mtime header. For example the gunzip utility can use the ‘-N` flag which will set the resultant file’s mtime to the value in the header. By default many tools will set the mtime of the expanded file to the mtime of the gzipped file, not the mtime in the header.

If you do not set an mtime, the default value will be the time when compression started. Setting a value of 0 indicates no time stamp is available.

Returns the last access time for this file as an object of class Time.

File.stat("testfile").atime   #=> Wed Dec 31 18:00:00 CST 1969

Returns the modification time of stat.

File.stat("testfile").mtime   #=> Wed Apr 09 08:53:14 CDT 2003

Returns the change time for stat (that is, the time directory information about the file was changed, not the file itself).

Note that on Windows (NTFS), returns creation time (birth time).

File.stat("testfile").ctime   #=> Wed Apr 09 08:53:14 CDT 2003

Returns true if stat has its sticky bit set, false if it doesn’t or if the operating system doesn’t support this feature.

File.stat("testfile").sticky?   #=> false

Parse a raw cookie string into a hash of cookie-name=>Cookie pairs.

cookies = CGI::Cookie.parse("raw_cookie_string")
  # { "name1" => cookie1, "name2" => cookie2, ... }
No documentation available

Returns true; retained for compatibility.

Creates a new Net::HTTP object, http, via

With no block given:

With a block given:


hostname = ''
Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http|
  puts http.get('/todos/1').body
  puts http.get('/todos/2').body


  "userId": 1,
  "id": 1,
  "title": "delectus aut autem",
  "completed": false
  "userId": 1,
  "id": 2,
  "title": "quis ut nam facilis et officia qui",
  "completed": false

If the last argument given is a hash, it is the opts hash, where each key is a method or accessor to be called, and its value is the value to be set.

The keys may include:

Note: If port is nil and opts[:use_ssl] is a truthy value, the value passed to new is Net::HTTP.https_default_port, not port.

Returns true if the HTTP session has been started:

http =
http.started? # => false
http.started? # => true
http.finish # => nil
http.started? # => false

Net::HTTP.start(hostname) do |http|
end # => true
http.started? # => false

Starts an HTTP session.

Without a block, returns self:

http =
# => #<Net::HTTP open=false>
# => #<Net::HTTP open=true>
http.started? # => true

With a block, calls the block with self, finishes the session when the block exits, and returns the block’s value:

http.start do |http|
# => #<Net::HTTP open=false>
http.started? # => false
No documentation available

Sets the resolver timeouts. This may be a single positive number or an array of positive numbers representing timeouts in seconds. If an array is specified, a DNS request will retry and wait for each successive interval in the array until a successful response is received. Specifying nil reverts to the default timeouts:

5, second = 5 * 2 / nameserver_count, 2 * second, 4 * second


dns.timeouts = 3
Search took: 3ms  ·  Total Results: 3065