Results for: "Data"

See FileTest.executable_real?.

See FileTest.world_readable?.

See FileTest.readable_real?.

See FileTest.world_writable?.

See FileTest.writable_real?.

No documentation available

Returns true for IPv4 private address (,, It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv4-compatible IPv6 address (::/80). It returns false otherwise.

Returns the socket path as a string.

Addrinfo.unix("/tmp/sock").unix_path       #=> "/tmp/sock"

Returns the size (in bytes) of the matched substring from the most recent match [match attempt] if it was successful, or nil otherwise; see [Basic Matched Values]:

scanner ='foobarbaz')
scanner.matched_size   # => nil

pos = 3
scanner.exist?(/baz/)  # => 9
scanner.matched_size   # => 3

scanner.exist?(/nope/) # => nil
scanner.matched_size   # => nil

Returns the substring that precedes the matched substring from the most recent match attempt if it was successful, or nil otherwise; see [Basic Match Values]:

scanner ='foobarbaz')
scanner.pre_match      # => nil

scanner.pos = 3
scanner.exist?(/baz/)  # => 6
scanner.pre_match      # => "foobar" # Substring of entire string, not just target string.

scanner.exist?(/nope/) # => nil
scanner.pre_match      # => nil

Returns the substring that follows the matched substring from the most recent match attempt if it was successful, or nil otherwise; see [Basic Match Values]:

scanner ='foobarbaz')
scanner.post_match     # => nil

scanner.pos = 3
scanner.match?(/bar/)  # => 3
scanner.post_match     # => "baz"

scanner.match?(/nope/) # => nil
scanner.post_match     # => nil

Returns an array of captured substrings, or nil of none.

For each specifier, the returned substring is [specifier]; see [].

scanner ='Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39')
pattern = /(?<wday>\w+) (?<month>\w+) (?<day>\d+) /
scanner.values_at(*0..3)               # => ["Fri Dec 12 ", "Fri", "Dec", "12"]
scanner.values_at(*%i[wday month day]) # => ["Fri", "Dec", "12"]

Creates GUID.

WIN32OLE.create_guid # => {1CB530F1-F6B1-404D-BCE6-1959BF91F4A8}

Evaluates a string containing Ruby source code, or the given block, within the context of the receiver (obj). In order to set the context, the variable self is set to obj while the code is executing, giving the code access to obj’s instance variables and private methods.

When instance_eval is given a block, obj is also passed in as the block’s only argument.

When instance_eval is given a String, the optional second and third parameters supply a filename and starting line number that are used when reporting compilation errors.

class KlassWithSecret
  def initialize
    @secret = 99
  def the_secret
    "Ssssh! The secret is #{@secret}."
k =
k.instance_eval { @secret }          #=> 99
k.instance_eval { the_secret }       #=> "Ssssh! The secret is 99."
k.instance_eval {|obj| obj == self } #=> true

Executes the given block within the context of the receiver (obj). In order to set the context, the variable self is set to obj while the code is executing, giving the code access to obj’s instance variables. Arguments are passed as block parameters.

class KlassWithSecret
  def initialize
    @secret = 99
k =
k.instance_exec(5) {|x| @secret+x }   #=> 104

Returns a new Array containing values for the given keys:

h = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
h.values_at(:baz, :foo) # => [2, 0]

The default values are returned for any keys that are not found:

h.values_at(:hello, :foo) # => [nil, 0]

Returns an Array containing the environment variable values associated with the given names:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1', 'baz' => '2')
ENV.values_at('foo', 'baz') # => ["0", "2"]

Returns nil in the Array for each name that is not an ENV name:

ENV.values_at('foo', 'bat', 'bar', 'bam') # => ["0", nil, "1", nil]

Returns an empty Array if no names given.

Raises an exception if any name is invalid. See Invalid Names and Values.

Returns true if the ipaddr is an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address.

No documentation available

Returns a new ipaddr built by converting the native IPv4 address into an IPv4-compatible IPv6 address.

Returns the Ruby source filename and line number of the binding object.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Creates an option from the given parameters params. See Parameters for New Options.

The block, if given, is the handler for the created option. When the option is encountered during command-line parsing, the block is called with the argument given for the option, if any. See Option Handlers.

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