Results for: "strip"

Returns the resulting hash value and resets the digest to the initial state.

If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest in a hex-encoded form, keeping the digest’s state.

If a string is given, returns the hash value for the given string in a hex-encoded form, resetting the digest to the initial state before and after the process.

Returns the resulting hash value in a hex-encoded form and resets the digest to the initial state.

If none is given, returns the resulting hash value of the digest in a base64 encoded form, keeping the digest’s state.

If a string is given, returns the hash value for the given string in a base64 encoded form, resetting the digest to the initial state before and after the process.

In either case, the return value is properly padded with ‘=’ and contains no line feeds.

Returns the resulting hash value and resets the digest to the initial state.

If a block is given, it prints out each of the elements encountered. Block parameters are (in that order):


der = File.binread('asn1data.der')
OpenSSL::ASN1.traverse(der) do | depth, offset, header_len, length, constructed, tag_class, tag|
  puts "Depth: #{depth} Offset: #{offset} Length: #{length}"
  puts "Header length: #{header_len} Tag: #{tag} Tag class: #{tag_class} Constructed: #{constructed}"

Writes s to the stream. If the argument is not a String it will be converted using .to_s method. Returns the number of bytes written.

Writes args to the stream.

See IO#print for full details.

Formats and writes to the stream converting parameters under control of the format string.

See Kernel#sprintf for format string details.

Return true if the PRNG has been seeded with enough data, false otherwise.

Start streaming using encoding

No documentation available

See IO#print.

See IO#printf.

See IO#write

Returns whether the form contained multipart/form-data

No documentation available
No documentation available

Adds a separated list. The list is separated by comma with breakable space, by default.

seplist iterates the list using iter_method. It yields each object to the block given for seplist. The procedure separator_proc is called between each yields.

If the iteration is zero times, separator_proc is not called at all.

If separator_proc is nil or not given, +lambda { comma_breakable }+ is used. If iter_method is not given, :each is used.

For example, following 3 code fragments has similar effect.

q.seplist([1,2,3]) {|v| xxx v }

q.seplist([1,2,3], lambda { q.comma_breakable }, :each) {|v| xxx v }

xxx 1
xxx 2
xxx 3

Generate a random alphanumeric string.

The argument n specifies the length, in characters, of the alphanumeric string to be generated. The argument chars specifies the character list which the result is consist of.

If n is not specified or is nil, 16 is assumed. It may be larger in the future.

The result may contain A-Z, a-z and 0-9, unless chars is specified.

require 'random/formatter'

Random.alphanumeric     #=> "2BuBuLf3WfSKyQbR"
# or
prng =
prng.alphanumeric(10) #=> "i6K93NdqiH"

Random.alphanumeric(4, chars: [*"0".."9"]) #=> "2952"
# or
prng =
prng.alphanumeric(10, chars: [*"!".."/"]) #=> ",.,++%/''."
No documentation available

Writes pemmable, which must respond to to_pem to path with the given permissions. If passed cipher and passphrase those arguments will be passed to to_pem.

The host to connect to either from the RUBYGEMS_HOST environment variable or from the user’s configuration

Check if gem name version version is installed.

Zlib::GzipReader wrapper that unzips data.

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