Add the –clear-sources option
The default encoding for Ruby files is UTF-8.
Returns a URL-encoded string derived from the given string str
The returned string:
Characters '*'
, '.'
, '-'
, and '_'
Character in ranges 'a'..'z'
, 'A'..'Z'
, and '0'..'9'
URI.encode_www_form_component('*.-_azAZ09') # => "*.-_azAZ09"
Character ' '
to character '+'
Any other character to “percent notation”; the percent notation for character c is '%%%X' % c.ord
URI.encode_www_form_component('Here are some punctuation characters: ,;?:') # => "Here+are+some+punctuation+characters%3A+%2C%3B%3F%3A"
If str
has encoding Encoding::ASCII_8BIT, argument enc
is ignored.
Otherwise str
is converted first to Encoding::UTF_8 (with suitable character replacements), and then to encoding enc
In either case, the returned string has forced encoding Encoding::US_ASCII.
Related: URI.encode_uri_component
(encodes ' '
as '%20'
Return true if this spec can require file
/foo #{bar}/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
Returns the node id for the given backtrace location.
begin raise rescue => e loc = e.backtrace_locations.first RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.node_id_for_backtrace_location(loc) end # => 0
Like Enumerable#chunk_while
, but chains operation to be lazy-evaluated.
Like Enumerable#reject
, but chains operation to be lazy-evaluated.
Like Enumerable#uniq
, but chains operation to be lazy-evaluated.