Results for: "Logger"

Equivalent to Set#select!

No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns the member names of the Struct descendant as an array:

Customer =, :address, :zip)
Customer.members # => [:name, :address, :zip]

With a block given, returns an array of values from self for which the block returns a truthy value:

Customer =, :address, :zip)
joe ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
a = {|value| value.is_a?(String) }
a # => ["Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC"]
a = {|value| value.is_a?(Integer) }
a # => [12345]

With no block given, returns an Enumerator.

Returns the member names from self as an array:

Customer =, :address, :zip) # => [:name, :address, :zip]

Related: to_a.

No documentation available

Callback invoked whenever a subclass of the current class is created.


class Foo
  def self.inherited(subclass)
    puts "New subclass: #{subclass}"

class Bar < Foo

class Baz < Bar


New subclass: Bar
New subclass: Baz

Allocates space for a new object of class’s class and does not call initialize on the new instance. The returned object must be an instance of class.

klass = do
  def initialize(*args)
    @initialized = true

  def initialized?
    @initialized || false

klass.allocate.initialized? #=> false

Returns the superclass of class, or nil.

File.superclass          #=> IO
IO.superclass            #=> Object
Object.superclass        #=> BasicObject
class Foo; end
class Bar < Foo; end
Bar.superclass           #=> Foo

Returns nil when the given class does not have a parent class:

BasicObject.superclass   #=> nil
No documentation available

See FileTest.blockdev?.


Returns or yields Pathname objects.

    #=> [#<Pathname:lib/ipaddr.rb>, #<Pathname:lib/irb.rb>]

See Dir.glob.

Returns the current working directory as a Pathname.

    #=> #<Pathname:/home/zzak/projects/ruby>

See Dir.getwd.

Returns or yields Pathname objects.

#=> [#<Pathname:ruby-2.4.2/>, #<Pathname:ruby-2.4.2/>]

See Dir.glob. This method uses the base keyword argument of Dir.glob.

Spawns the specified command on a newly allocated pty. You can also use the alias ::getpty.

The command’s controlling tty is set to the slave device of the pty and its standard input/output/error is redirected to the slave device.

env is an optional hash that provides additional environment variables to the spawned pty.

# sets FOO to "bar"
PTY.spawn({"FOO"=>"bar"}, "printenv", "FOO") { |r,w,pid| p } #=> "bar\r\n"
# unsets FOO
PTY.spawn({"FOO"=>nil}, "printenv", "FOO") { |r,w,pid| p } #=> ""

command and command_line are the full commands to run, given a String. Any additional arguments will be passed to the command.

Return values

In the non-block form this returns an array of size three, [r, w, pid].

In the block form these same values will be yielded to the block:


A readable IO that contains the command’s standard output and standard error


A writable IO that is the command’s standard input


The process identifier for the command.

Returns an array of interface addresses. An element of the array is an instance of Socket::Ifaddr.

This method can be used to find multicast-enabled interfaces:

pp Socket.getifaddrs.reject {|ifaddr|
  !ifaddr.addr.ip? || (ifaddr.flags & Socket::IFF_MULTICAST == 0)
}.map {|ifaddr| [, ifaddr.ifindex, ifaddr.addr] }
#=> [["eth0", 2, #<Addrinfo:>],
#    ["eth0", 2, #<Addrinfo: fe80::216:3eff:fe95:88bb%eth0>]]

Example result on GNU/Linux:

pp Socket.getifaddrs
#=> [#<Socket::Ifaddr lo UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,0x10000 PACKET[protocol=0 lo hatype=772 HOST hwaddr=00:00:00:00:00:00]>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr eth0 UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,0x10000 PACKET[protocol=0 eth0 hatype=1 HOST hwaddr=00:16:3e:95:88:bb] broadcast=PACKET[protocol=0 eth0 hatype=1 HOST hwaddr=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff]>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr sit0 NOARP PACKET[protocol=0 sit0 hatype=776 HOST hwaddr=00:00:00:00]>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr lo UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,0x10000 netmask=>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr eth0 UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,0x10000 netmask= broadcast=>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr lo UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,0x10000 ::1 netmask=ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr eth0 UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,0x10000 fe80::216:3eff:fe95:88bb%eth0 netmask=ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::>]

Example result on FreeBSD:

pp Socket.getifaddrs
#=> [#<Socket::Ifaddr usbus0 UP,0x10000 LINK[usbus0]>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr re0 UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,0x800 LINK[re0 3a:d0:40:9a:fe:e8]>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr re0 UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,0x800 netmask=255.255.255.? (7 bytes for 16 bytes sockaddr_in) broadcast=>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr re0 UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,0x800 fe80:2::38d0:40ff:fe9a:fee8 netmask=ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr re0 UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,0x800 2001:2e8:408:10::12 netmask=UNSPEC>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr plip0 POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST,0x800 LINK[plip0]>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr lo0 UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST LINK[lo0]>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr lo0 UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST ::1 netmask=ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr lo0 UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST fe80:4::1 netmask=ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::>,
#    #<Socket::Ifaddr lo0 UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST netmask=255.?.?.? (5 bytes for 16 bytes sockaddr_in)>]

Returns the hostname.

p Socket.gethostname #=> "hal"

Note that it is not guaranteed to be able to convert to IP address using gethostbyname, getaddrinfo, etc. If you need local IP address, use Socket.ip_address_list.

Use Addrinfo.getaddrinfo instead. This method is deprecated for the following reasons:

This method obtains the host information for hostname.

p Socket.gethostbyname("hal") #=> ["localhost", ["hal"], 2, "\x7F\x00\x00\x01"]

Use Addrinfo#getnameinfo instead. This method is deprecated for the following reasons:

This method obtains the host information for address.

p Socket.gethostbyaddr([221,186,184,68].pack("CCCC"))
#=> ["", [], 2, "\xDD\xBA\xB8D"]

p Socket.gethostbyaddr([127,0,0,1].pack("CCCC"))
["localhost", [], 2, "\x7F\x00\x00\x01"]
p Socket.gethostbyaddr(([0]*15+[1]).pack("C"*16))
#=> ["localhost", ["ip6-localhost", "ip6-loopback"], 10,

Obtains address information for nodename:servname.

Note that Addrinfo.getaddrinfo provides the same functionality in an object oriented style.

family should be an address family such as: :INET, :INET6, etc.

socktype should be a socket type such as: :STREAM, :DGRAM, :RAW, etc.

protocol should be a protocol defined in the family, and defaults to 0 for the family.

flags should be bitwise OR of Socket::AI_* constants.

Socket.getaddrinfo("", "http", nil, :STREAM)
#=> [["AF_INET", 80, "", "", 2, 1, 6]] # PF_INET/SOCK_STREAM/IPPROTO_TCP

Socket.getaddrinfo("localhost", nil)
#=> [["AF_INET", 0, "localhost", "", 2, 1, 6],  # PF_INET/SOCK_STREAM/IPPROTO_TCP
#    ["AF_INET", 0, "localhost", "", 2, 2, 17], # PF_INET/SOCK_DGRAM/IPPROTO_UDP
#    ["AF_INET", 0, "localhost", "", 2, 3, 0]]  # PF_INET/SOCK_RAW/IPPROTO_IP

reverse_lookup directs the form of the third element, and has to be one of below. If reverse_lookup is omitted, the default value is nil.

+true+, +:hostname+:  hostname is obtained from numeric address using reverse lookup, which may take a time.
+false+, +:numeric+:  hostname is the same as numeric address.
+nil+:              obey to the current +do_not_reverse_lookup+ flag.

If Addrinfo object is preferred, use Addrinfo.getaddrinfo.

Obtains name information for sockaddr.

sockaddr should be one of follows.

flags should be bitwise OR of Socket::NI_* constants.

Note: The last form is compatible with IPSocket#addr and IPSocket#peeraddr.

Socket.getnameinfo(Socket.sockaddr_in(80, ""))       #=> ["localhost", "www"]
Socket.getnameinfo(["AF_INET", 80, ""])              #=> ["localhost", "www"]
Socket.getnameinfo(["AF_INET", 80, "localhost", ""]) #=> ["localhost", "www"]

If Addrinfo object is preferred, use Addrinfo#getnameinfo.

Gets a socket option. These are protocol and system specific, see your local system documentation for details. The option is returned as a Socket::Option object.



Some socket options are integers with boolean values, in this case getsockopt could be called like this:

reuseaddr = sock.getsockopt(:SOCKET, :REUSEADDR).bool

optval = sock.getsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET,Socket::SO_REUSEADDR)
optval = optval.unpack "i"
reuseaddr = optval[0] == 0 ? false : true

Some socket options are integers with numeric values, in this case getsockopt could be called like this:

ipttl = sock.getsockopt(:IP, :TTL).int

optval = sock.getsockopt(Socket::IPPROTO_IP, Socket::IP_TTL)
ipttl = optval.unpack1("i")

Option values may be structs. Decoding them can be complex as it involves examining your system headers to determine the correct definition. An example is a +struct linger+, which may be defined in your system headers as:

struct linger {
  int l_onoff;
  int l_linger;

In this case getsockopt could be called like this:

# Socket::Option knows linger structure.
onoff, linger = sock.getsockopt(:SOCKET, :LINGER).linger

optval =  sock.getsockopt(Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_LINGER)
onoff, linger = optval.unpack "ii"
onoff = onoff == 0 ? false : true

Returns the local address of the socket as a sockaddr string."", 15120) {|serv|
  p serv.getsockname #=> "\x02\x00;\x10\x7F\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"

If Addrinfo object is preferred over the binary string, use BasicSocket#local_address.

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