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Iterates over strongly connected component in the subgraph reachable from node.

Return value is unspecified.

each_strongly_connected_component_from doesn’t call tsort_each_node.

class G
  include TSort
  def initialize(g)
    @g = g
  def tsort_each_child(n, &b) @g[n].each(&b) end
  def tsort_each_node(&b) @g.each_key(&b) end

graph ={1=>[2, 3], 2=>[4], 3=>[2, 4], 4=>[]})
graph.each_strongly_connected_component_from(2) {|scc| p scc }
#=> [4]
#   [2]

graph ={1=>[2], 2=>[3, 4], 3=>[2], 4=>[]})
graph.each_strongly_connected_component_from(2) {|scc| p scc }
#=> [4]
#   [2, 3]

Iterates over strongly connected components in a graph. The graph is represented by node and each_child.

node is the first node. each_child should have call method which takes a node argument and yields for each child node.

Return value is unspecified.

TSort.each_strongly_connected_component_from is a class method and it doesn’t need a class to represent a graph which includes TSort.

graph = {1=>[2], 2=>[3, 4], 3=>[2], 4=>[]}
each_child = lambda {|n, &b| graph[n].each(&b) }
TSort.each_strongly_connected_component_from(1, each_child) {|scc|
  p scc
#=> [4]
#   [2, 3]
#   [1]

Returns value specified by the member name of VT_RECORD OLE object. If the member name is not correct, KeyError exception is raised. If you can’t access member variable of VT_RECORD OLE object directly, use this method.

If COM server in VB.NET ComServer project is the following:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class ComClass
    Public Structure ComObject
        Public object_id As Ineger
    End Structure
End Class

and Ruby Object class has title attribute:

then accessing object_id of ComObject from Ruby is as the following:

srver ='ComServer.ComClass')
obj ='ComObject', server)
# obj.object_id returns Ruby Object#object_id
obj.ole_instance_variable_get(:object_id) # => nil

Sets value specified by the member name of VT_RECORD OLE object. If the member name is not correct, KeyError exception is raised. If you can’t set value of member of VT_RECORD OLE object directly, use this method.

If COM server in VB.NET ComServer project is the following:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class ComClass
    <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> _
    Public title As String
    Public cost As Integer
End Class

then setting value of the ‘title’ member is as following:

srver ='ComServer.ComClass')
obj ='Book', server)
obj.ole_instance_variable_set(:title, "The Ruby Book")




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No documentation available

“foo #{bar}” ^^^^^^^^^^^^

‘foo #{bar}` ^^^^^^^^^^^^

“foo #{bar}” ^^^^^^^^^^^^

‘foo #{bar}` ^^^^^^^^^^^^

@foo += bar ^^^^^^^^^^^

@foo &&= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^

@foo ||= bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^


x += 1


x += 1

If this boolean is true, the forward slashes will be escaped in the json output.

If this boolean is true, the forward slashes will be escaped in the json output.

This sets whether or not the forward slashes will be escaped in the json output.

Like Enumerable#zip, but chains operation to be lazy-evaluated. However, if a block is given to zip, values are enumerated immediately.

Returns the number that defines the common difference between two adjacent elements in this arithmetic sequence.

Returns the first number in this arithmetic sequence, or an array of the first n elements.

Returns the last number in this arithmetic sequence, or an array of the last n elements.

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