Results for: "strip"

Equivalent to $stdout.print(*objects), this method is the straightforward way to write to $stdout.

Writes the given objects to $stdout; returns nil. Appends the output record separator $OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR $\), if it is not nil.

With argument objects given, for each object:

With default separators:

objects = [0, 0.0, Rational(0, 1), Complex(0, 0), :zero, 'zero']



With specified separators:




With no argument given, writes the content of $_ (which is usually the most recent user input):

gets  # Sets $_ to the most recent user input.
print # Prints $_.

Returns a URI object derived from the given uri, which may be a URI string or an existing URI object:

# Returns a new URI.
uri = URI('')
# => #<URI::HTTP>
# Returns the given URI.
# => #<URI::HTTP>

Returns a URI object derived from the given uri, which may be a URI string or an existing URI object:

# Returns a new URI.
uri = URI('')
# => #<URI::HTTP>
# Returns the given URI.
# => #<URI::HTTP>

Returns the string resulting from formatting objects into format_string.

For details on format_string, see Format Specifications.

Creates a new child process by doing one of the following in that process:

This method has potential security vulnerabilities if called with untrusted input; see Command Injection.


Raises an exception (instead of returning false or nil) if keyword argument exception is set to true.

Assigns the command’s error status to $?.

The new process is created using the system system call; it may inherit some of its environment from the calling program (possibly including open file descriptors).

Argument env, if given, is a hash that affects ENV for the new process; see Execution Environment.

Argument options is a hash of options for the new process; see Execution Options.

The first required argument is one of the following:

Argument command_line

String argument command_line is a command line to be passed to a shell; it must begin with a shell reserved word, begin with a special built-in, or contain meta characters:

system('if true; then echo "Foo"; fi')          # => true  # Shell reserved word.
system('exit')                                  # => true  # Built-in.
system('date > /tmp/date.tmp')                  # => true  # Contains meta character.
system('date > /nop/date.tmp')                  # => false
system('date > /nop/date.tmp', exception: true) # Raises RuntimeError.

Assigns the command’s error status to $?:

system('exit')                             # => true  # Built-in.
$?                                         # => #<Process::Status: pid 640610 exit 0>
system('date > /nop/date.tmp')             # => false
$?                                         # => #<Process::Status: pid 640742 exit 2>

The command line may also contain arguments and options for the command:

system('echo "Foo"') # => true



See Execution Shell for details about the shell.

Raises an exception if the new process could not execute.

Argument exe_path

Argument exe_path is one of the following:


system('/usr/bin/date') # => true # Path to date on Unix-style system.
system('foo')           # => nil  # Command failed.


Mon Aug 28 11:43:10 AM CDT 2023

Assigns the command’s error status to $?:

system('/usr/bin/date') # => true
$?                      # => #<Process::Status: pid 645605 exit 0>
system('foo')           # => nil
$?                      # => #<Process::Status: pid 645608 exit 127>

Ruby invokes the executable directly. This form does not use the shell; see Arguments args for caveats.

system('doesnt_exist') # => nil

If one or more args is given, each is an argument or option to be passed to the executable:

system('echo', 'C*')             # => true
system('echo', 'hello', 'world') # => true


hello world

Raises an exception if the new process could not execute.

Specifies the handling of signals. The first parameter is a signal name (a string such as “SIGALRM”, “SIGUSR1”, and so on) or a signal number. The characters “SIG” may be omitted from the signal name. The command or block specifies code to be run when the signal is raised. If the command is the string “IGNORE” or “SIG_IGN”, the signal will be ignored. If the command is “DEFAULT” or “SIG_DFL”, the Ruby’s default handler will be invoked. If the command is “EXIT”, the script will be terminated by the signal. If the command is “SYSTEM_DEFAULT”, the operating system’s default handler will be invoked. Otherwise, the given command or block will be run. The special signal name “EXIT” or signal number zero will be invoked just prior to program termination. trap returns the previous handler for the given signal.

Signal.trap(0, proc { puts "Terminating: #{$$}" })
Signal.trap("CLD")  { puts "Child died" }
fork && Process.wait


Terminating: 27461
Child died
Terminating: 27460

Returns the first element or elements.

With no argument, returns the first element, or nil if there is none:

(1..4).first                   # => 1
%w[a b c].first                # => "a"
{foo: 1, bar: 1, baz: 2}.first # => [:foo, 1]
[].first                       # => nil

With integer argument n, returns an array containing the first n elements that exist:

(1..4).first(2)                   # => [1, 2]
%w[a b c d].first(3)              # => ["a", "b", "c"]
%w[a b c d].first(50)             # => ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
{foo: 1, bar: 1, baz: 2}.first(2) # => [[:foo, 1], [:bar, 1]]
[].first(2)                       # => []

With no block given, returns a new array new_array of size self.size whose elements are arrays. Each nested array new_array[n] is of size other_enums.size+1, and contains:

If all other_enums and self are the same size, all elements are included in the result, and there is no nil-filling:

a = [:a0, :a1, :a2, :a3]
b = [:b0, :b1, :b2, :b3]
c = [:c0, :c1, :c2, :c3]
d =, c)
d # => [[:a0, :b0, :c0], [:a1, :b1, :c1], [:a2, :b2, :c2], [:a3, :b3, :c3]]

f = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
g = {goo: 3, gar: 4, gaz: 5}
h = {hoo: 6, har: 7, haz: 8}
d =, h)
d # => [
  #      [[:foo, 0], [:goo, 3], [:hoo, 6]],
  #      [[:bar, 1], [:gar, 4], [:har, 7]],
  #      [[:baz, 2], [:gaz, 5], [:haz, 8]]
  #    ]

If any enumerable in other_enums is smaller than self, fills to self.size with nil:

a = [:a0, :a1, :a2, :a3]
b = [:b0, :b1, :b2]
c = [:c0, :c1]
d =, c)
d # => [[:a0, :b0, :c0], [:a1, :b1, :c1], [:a2, :b2, nil], [:a3, nil, nil]]

If any enumerable in other_enums is larger than self, its trailing elements are ignored:

a = [:a0, :a1, :a2, :a3]
b = [:b0, :b1, :b2, :b3, :b4]
c = [:c0, :c1, :c2, :c3, :c4, :c5]
d =, c)
d # => [[:a0, :b0, :c0], [:a1, :b1, :c1], [:a2, :b2, :c2], [:a3, :b3, :c3]]

When a block is given, calls the block with each of the sub-arrays (formed as above); returns nil:

a = [:a0, :a1, :a2, :a3]
b = [:b0, :b1, :b2, :b3]
c = [:c0, :c1, :c2, :c3], c) {|sub_array| p sub_array} # => nil


[:a0, :b0, :c0]
[:a1, :b1, :c1]
[:a2, :b2, :c2]
[:a3, :b3, :c3]

Returns a list of the supported category symbols.

Enables the coverage measurement. See the documentation of Coverage class in detail. This is equivalent to Coverage.setup and Coverage.resume.

Returns the state of the coverage measurement.

Returns system temporary directory; typically “/tmp”.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns a Digest subclass by name

require 'openssl'

# => OpenSSL::Digest::MD5

# => NameError: wrong constant name Foo

Returns a Digest subclass by name

require 'openssl'

# => OpenSSL::Digest::MD5

# => NameError: wrong constant name Foo

Gzip the given string. Valid values of level are Zlib::NO_COMPRESSION, Zlib::BEST_SPEED, Zlib::BEST_COMPRESSION, Zlib::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION (default), or an integer from 0 to 9.

This method is almost equivalent to the following code:

def gzip(string, level: nil, strategy: nil)
  sio =
  gz =, level, strategy)

See also Zlib.gunzip

Decode the given gzipped string.

This method is almost equivalent to the following code:

def gunzip(string)
  sio =
  gz =, encoding: Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)

See also Zlib.gzip

Return true if the named file exists.

file_name can be an IO object.

“file exists” means that stat() or fstat() system call is successful.

Returns true if the named file is writable by the effective user and group id of this process. See eaccess(3).

Note that some OS-level security features may cause this to return true even though the file is not writable by the effective user/group.

Returns true if filepath points to a pipe, false otherwise:

File.pipe?('tmp/fifo') # => true
File.pipe?('t.txt')    # => false

Returns true if the named file has the sticky bit set.

file_name can be an IO object.

Initiates garbage collection, even if manually disabled.

The full_mark keyword argument determines whether or not to perform a major garbage collection cycle. When set to true, a major garbage collection cycle is ran, meaning all objects are marked. When set to false, a minor garbage collection cycle is ran, meaning only young objects are marked.

The immediate_mark keyword argument determines whether or not to perform incremental marking. When set to true, marking is completed during the call to this method. When set to false, marking is performed in steps that is interleaved with future Ruby code execution, so marking might not be completed during this method call. Note that if full_mark is false then marking will always be immediate, regardless of the value of immediate_mark.

The immediate_sweep keyword argument determines whether or not to defer sweeping (using lazy sweep). When set to false, sweeping is performed in steps that is interleaved with future Ruby code execution, so sweeping might not be completed during this method call. When set to true, sweeping is completed during the call to this method.

Note: These keyword arguments are implementation and version dependent. They are not guaranteed to be future-compatible, and may be ignored if the underlying implementation does not support them.

Returns a Hash containing information about the GC.

The contents of the hash are implementation specific and may change in the future without notice.

The hash includes information about internal statistics about GC such as:


The total number of garbage collections ran since application start (count includes both minor and major garbage collections)


The total time spent in garbage collections (in milliseconds)


The total number of :heap_eden_pages + :heap_tomb_pages


The number of pages that can fit into the buffer that holds references to all pages


The total number of pages the application could allocate without additional GC


The total number of slots in all :heap_allocated_pages


The total number of slots which contain live objects


The total number of slots which do not contain live objects


The total number of slots with pending finalizers to be run


The total number of objects marked in the last GC


The total number of pages which contain at least one live slot


The total number of pages which do not contain any live slots


The cumulative number of pages allocated since application start


The cumulative number of pages freed since application start


The cumulative number of objects allocated since application start


The cumulative number of objects freed since application start


Amount of memory allocated on the heap for objects. Decreased by any GC


When :malloc_increase_bytes crosses this limit, GC is triggered


The total number of minor garbage collections run since process start


The total number of major garbage collections run since process start


The total number of compactions run since process start


The total number of times the read barrier was triggered during compaction


The total number of objects compaction has moved


The total number of objects without write barriers


When :remembered_wb_unprotected_objects crosses this limit, major GC is triggered


Number of live, old objects which have survived at least 3 garbage collections


When :old_objects crosses this limit, major GC is triggered


Amount of memory allocated on the heap for objects. Decreased by major GC


When :old_malloc_increase_bytes crosses this limit, major GC is triggered

If the optional argument, hash, is given, it is overwritten and returned. This is intended to avoid probe effect.

This method is only expected to work on CRuby.

Top level install helper method. Allows you to install gems interactively:

% irb
>> Gem.install "minitest"
Fetching: minitest-5.14.0.gem (100%)
=> [#<Gem::Specification:0x1013b4528 @name="minitest", ...>]
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