Results for: "partition"

Stop tracing object allocations.

Note that if ::trace_object_allocations_start is called n-times, then tracing will stop after calling ::trace_object_allocations_stop n-times.

Return the value that should be dumped for the command_line option.

Called before each event with line/column information.

No documentation available

Parse and return a Time from string

No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns a hash of default options used by the Ruby iseq compiler.

For details, see InstructionSequence.compile_option=.

Sets the default values for various optimizations in the Ruby iseq compiler.

Possible values for options include true, which enables all options, false which disables all options, and nil which leaves all options unchanged.

You can also pass a Hash of options that you want to change, any options not present in the hash will be left unchanged.

Possible option names (which are keys in options) which can be set to true or false include:

Additionally, :debug_level can be set to an integer.

These default options can be overwritten for a single run of the iseq compiler by passing any of the above values as the options parameter to ::new, ::compile and ::compile_file.

No documentation available

Take a location from the prism parser and set the necessary instance variables.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Add a command-line option and handler to the command.

See Gem::OptionParser#make_switch for an explanation of opts.

handler will be called with two values, the value of the argument and the options hash.

If the first argument of add_option is a Symbol, it’s used to group options in output. See ‘gem help list` for an example.

Remove previously defined command-line argument name.

Mark a command-line option as deprecated, and optionally specify a deprecation horizon.

Note that with the current implementation, every version of the option needs to be explicitly deprecated, so to deprecate an option defined as

add_option('-t', '--[no-]test', 'Set test mode') do |value, options|
  # ... stuff ...

you would need to explicitly add a call to ‘deprecate_option` for every version of the option you want to deprecate, like


Merge a set of command options with the set of default options (without modifying the default option hash).

Handle the given list of arguments by parsing them and recording the results.

A recommended version for use with a ~> Requirement.

Specifies the rdoc options to be used when generating API documentation.


spec.rdoc_options << '--title' << 'Rake -- Ruby Make' <<
  '--main' << 'README' <<

Keeps track of all currently known specifications

Sets rdoc_options to value, ensuring it is an array.

No documentation available
No documentation available

Terminate the application with exit code status, running any exit handlers that might have been defined.

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