Results for: "minmax"

Sets the current position and line number to zero; see Position and Line Number.

See IO#readlines.

Returns the [stored string]:

scanner ='foobar')
scanner.string # => "foobar"
scanner.string # => "foobarbaz"

Replaces the [stored string] with the given other_string:

scanner ='foobar')
# Situation:
#   pos:       3
#   charpos:   3
#   rest:      "bar"
#   rest_size: 3
match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => false

scanner.string = 'baz'         # => "baz"
# Situation:
#   pos:       0
#   charpos:   0
#   rest:      "baz"
#   rest_size: 3
match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true
No documentation available
No documentation available

Attempts to [match] the given pattern at the beginning of the [target substring]; does not modify the [positions].

If the match succeeds:

scanner ='foobarbaz')
scanner.pos = 3
scanner.match?(/bar/) => 3
# Basic match values:
#   matched?:       true
#   matched_size:   3
#   pre_match:      "foo"
#   matched  :      "bar"
#   post_match:     "baz"
# Captured match values:
#   size:           1
#   captures:       []
#   named_captures: {}
#   values_at:      ["bar", nil]
#   []:
#     [0]:          "bar"
#     [1]:          nil
# Situation:
#   pos:       3
#   charpos:   3
#   rest:      "barbaz"
#   rest_size: 6

If the match fails:

scanner.match?(/nope/)         # => nil
match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true

Returns true of the most recent [match attempt] was successful, false otherwise; see [Basic Matched Values]:

scanner ='foobarbaz')
scanner.matched?       # => false
scanner.pos = 3
scanner.exist?(/baz/)  # => 6
scanner.matched?       # => true
scanner.exist?(/nope/) # => nil
scanner.matched?       # => false

Returns the matched substring from the most recent [match] attempt if it was successful, or nil otherwise; see [Basic Matched Values]:

scanner ='foobarbaz')
scanner.matched        # => nil
scanner.pos = 3
scanner.match?(/bar/)  # => 3
scanner.matched        # => "bar"
scanner.match?(/nope/) # => nil
scanner.matched        # => nil

Returns a string representation of self that may show:

  1. The current [position].

  2. The size (in bytes) of the [stored string].

  3. The substring preceding the current position.

  4. The substring following the current position (which is also the [target substring]).

scanner ="Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
scanner.pos = 11
scanner.inspect # => "#<StringScanner 11/21 \"...c 12 \" @ \"1975 ...\">"

If at beginning-of-string, item 4 above (following substring) is omitted:

scanner.inspect # => "#<StringScanner 0/21 @ \"Fri D...\">"

If at end-of-string, all items above are omitted:

scanner.inspect # => "#<StringScanner fin>"

Runs OLE method. The first argument specifies the method name of OLE Automation object. The others specify argument of the method. If you can not execute method directly, then use this method instead.

excel ='Excel.Application')
excel.invoke('Quit')  # => same as excel.Quit

Runs the early binding method. The 1st argument specifies dispatch ID, the 2nd argument specifies the array of arguments, the 3rd argument specifies the array of the type of arguments.

excel ='Excel.Application')
excel._invoke(302, [], []) #  same effect as excel.Quit

Returns a new String containing the hash entries:

h = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
h.inspect # => "{:foo=>0, :bar=>1, :baz=>2}"

Returns a new Hash object with the each key-value pair inverted:

h = {foo: 0, bar: 1, baz: 2}
h1 = h.invert
h1 # => {0=>:foo, 1=>:bar, 2=>:baz}

Overwrites any repeated new keys: (see Entry Order):

h = {foo: 0, bar: 0, baz: 0}
h.invert # => {0=>:baz}

Returns true if key is a key in self, otherwise false.

Returns a Hash whose keys are the ENV values, and whose values are the corresponding ENV names:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.invert # => {"1"=>"bar", "0"=>"foo"}

For a duplicate ENV value, overwrites the hash entry:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '0')
ENV.invert # => {"0"=>"foo"}

Note that the order of the ENV processing is OS-dependent, which means that the order of overwriting is also OS-dependent. See About Ordering.

Returns the contents of the environment as a String:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.inspect # => "{\"bar\"=>\"1\", \"foo\"=>\"0\"}"

Returns true if there is an environment variable with the given name:

ENV.replace('foo' => '0', 'bar' => '1')
ENV.include?('foo') # => true

Returns false if name is a valid String and there is no such environment variable:

ENV.include?('baz') # => false

Returns false if name is the empty String or is a String containing character '=':

ENV.include?('') # => false
ENV.include?('=') # => false

Raises an exception if name is a String containing the NUL character "\0":

ENV.include?("\0") # Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: contains null byte)

Raises an exception if name has an encoding that is not ASCII-compatible:

# Raises ArgumentError (bad environment variable name: ASCII incompatible encoding: UTF-16LE)

Raises an exception if name is not a String:

ENV.include?( # TypeError (no implicit conversion of Object into String)

Reads each file in ARGF in its entirety, returning an Array containing lines from the files. Lines are assumed to be separated by sep.

lines = ARGF.readlines
lines[0]                #=> "This is line one\n"

See IO.readlines for a full description of all options.

Returns the next line from the current file in ARGF.

By default lines are assumed to be separated by $/; to use a different character as a separator, supply it as a String for the sep argument.

The optional limit argument specifies how many characters of each line to return. By default all characters are returned.

An EOFError is raised at the end of the file.

Positions the current file to the beginning of input, resetting ARGF.lineno to zero.

ARGF.readline   #=> "This is line one\n"
ARGF.rewind     #=> 0
ARGF.lineno     #=> 0
ARGF.readline   #=> "This is line one\n"

Writes the given objects to the stream; returns nil. Appends the output record separator $OUTPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR ($\), if it is not nil. See Line IO.

With argument objects given, for each object:

With default separators:

f ='t.tmp', 'w+')
objects = [0, 0.0, Rational(0, 1), Complex(0, 0), :zero, 'zero']



With specified separators:

$\ = "\n"
$, = ','



With no argument given, writes the content of $_ (which is usually the most recent user input):

f ='t.tmp', 'w+')
gets # Sets $_ to the most recent user input.

Formats and writes objects to the stream.

For details on format_string, see Format Specifications.

Returns the current line number of ARGF as a whole. This value can be set manually with ARGF.lineno=.

For example:

ARGF.lineno   #=> 0
ARGF.readline #=> "This is line 1\n"
ARGF.lineno   #=> 1

Sets the line number of ARGF as a whole to the given Integer.

ARGF sets the line number automatically as you read data, so normally you will not need to set it explicitly. To access the current line number use ARGF.lineno.

For example:

ARGF.lineno      #=> 0
ARGF.readline    #=> "This is line 1\n"
ARGF.lineno      #=> 1
ARGF.lineno = 0  #=> 0
ARGF.lineno      #=> 0
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