Results for: "match"

Iterates over array elements.

When a block given, passes each successive array element to the block; returns self:

a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
a.each {|element|  puts "#{element.class} #{element}" }


Symbol foo
String bar
Integer 2

Allows the array to be modified during iteration:

a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]
a.each {|element| puts element; a.clear if element.to_s.start_with?('b') }



When no block given, returns a new Enumerator:

a = [:foo, 'bar', 2]

e = a.each
e # => #<Enumerator: [:foo, "bar", 2]:each>
a1 = e.each {|element|  puts "#{element.class} #{element}" }


Symbol foo
String bar
Integer 2

Related: each_index, reverse_each.

Returns a Hash containing implementation-dependent counters inside the VM.

This hash includes information about method/constant caches:


If USE_DEBUG_COUNTER is enabled, debug counters will be included.

The contents of the hash are implementation specific and may be changed in the future.

This method is only expected to work on C Ruby.

Returns a 1-character string containing the character represented by the value of self, according to the given encoding.

65.chr                   # => "A"
0.chr                    # => "\x00"
255.chr                  # => "\xFF"
string = 255.chr(Encoding::UTF_8)
string.encoding          # => Encoding::UTF_8

Raises an exception if self is negative.

Related: Integer#ord.

Returns self truncated (toward zero) to a precision of ndigits decimal digits.

When ndigits is negative, the returned value has at least ndigits.abs trailing zeros:

555.truncate(-1)  # => 550
555.truncate(-2)  # => 500
-555.truncate(-2) # => -500

Returns self when ndigits is zero or positive.

555.truncate     # => 555
555.truncate(50) # => 555

Related: Integer#round.

Returns the remainder after dividing self by other.


11.remainder(4)              # => 3
11.remainder(-4)             # => 3
-11.remainder(4)             # => -3
-11.remainder(-4)            # => -3

12.remainder(4)              # => 0
12.remainder(-4)             # => 0
-12.remainder(4)             # => 0
-12.remainder(-4)            # => 0

13.remainder(4.0)            # => 1.0
13.remainder(Rational(4, 1)) # => (1/1)
No documentation available

Returns self.

Returns 1.

Returns the value as a rational. The optional argument eps is always ignored.

Returns the imaginary value for self:

Complex.rect(7).imag     # => 0
Complex.rect(9, -4).imag # => -4

If self was created with polar coordinates, the returned value is computed, and may be inexact:

Complex.polar(1, Math::PI/4).imag # => 0.7071067811865476 # Square root of 2.

Returns the imaginary value for self:

Complex.rect(7).imag     # => 0
Complex.rect(9, -4).imag # => -4

If self was created with polar coordinates, the returned value is computed, and may be inexact:

Complex.polar(1, Math::PI/4).imag # => 0.7071067811865476 # Square root of 2.

Returns the absolute value (magnitude) for self; see polar coordinates:

Complex.polar(-1, 0).abs # => 1.0

If self was created with rectangular coordinates, the returned value is computed, and may be inexact:

Complex.rectangular(1, 1).abs # => 1.4142135623730951 # The square root of 2.

Returns the conjugate of self, Complex.rect(self.imag, self.real):

Complex.rect(1, 2).conj # => (1-2i)

Returns the Complex object created from the numerators of the real and imaginary parts of self, after converting each part to the lowest common denominator of the two:

c = Complex.rect(Rational(2, 3), Rational(3, 4)) # => ((2/3)+(3/4)*i)
c.numerator                                      # => (8+9i)

In this example, the lowest common denominator of the two parts is 12; the two converted parts may be thought of as Rational(8, 12) and Rational(9, 12), whose numerators, respectively, are 8 and 9; so the returned value of c.numerator is Complex.rect(8, 9).

Related: Complex#denominator.

Returns the denominator of self, which is the least common multiple of self.real.denominator and self.imag.denominator:

Complex.rect(Rational(1, 2), Rational(2, 3)).denominator # => 6

Note that n.denominator of a non-rational numeric is 1.

Related: Complex#numerator.

Returns a Rational object whose value is exactly or approximately equivalent to that of self.real.

With no argument epsilon given, returns a Rational object whose value is exactly equal to that of self.real.rationalize:

Complex.rect(1, 0).rationalize              # => (1/1)
Complex.rect(1, Rational(0, 1)).rationalize # => (1/1)
Complex.rect(3.14159, 0).rationalize        # => (314159/100000)

With argument epsilon given, returns a Rational object whose value is exactly or approximately equal to that of self.real to the given precision:

Complex.rect(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.1)          # => (16/5)
Complex.rect(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.01)         # => (22/7)
Complex.rect(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.001)        # => (201/64)
Complex.rect(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.0001)       # => (333/106)
Complex.rect(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.00001)      # => (355/113)
Complex.rect(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.000001)     # => (7433/2366)
Complex.rect(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.0000001)    # => (9208/2931)
Complex.rect(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.00000001)   # => (47460/15107)
Complex.rect(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.000000001)  # => (76149/24239)
Complex.rect(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.0000000001) # => (314159/100000)
Complex.rect(3.14159, 0).rationalize(0.0)          # => (3537115888337719/1125899906842624)

Related: Complex#to_r.

Returns zero as a Rational:

nil.rationalize # => (0/1)

Argument eps is ignored.

Returns the remainder after dividing self by other.

Of the Core and Standard Library classes, only Float and Rational use this implementation.


11.0.remainder(4)              # => 3.0
11.0.remainder(-4)             # => 3.0
-11.0.remainder(4)             # => -3.0
-11.0.remainder(-4)            # => -3.0

12.0.remainder(4)              # => 0.0
12.0.remainder(-4)             # => 0.0
-12.0.remainder(4)             # => -0.0
-12.0.remainder(-4)            # => -0.0

13.0.remainder(4.0)            # => 1.0
13.0.remainder(Rational(4, 1)) # => 1.0

Rational(13, 1).remainder(4)   # => (1/1)
Rational(13, 1).remainder(-4)  # => (1/1)
Rational(-13, 1).remainder(4)  # => (-1/1)
Rational(-13, 1).remainder(-4) # => (-1/1)

Returns the absolute value of self.

12.abs        #=> 12
(-34.56).abs  #=> 34.56
-34.56.abs    #=> 34.56

Returns self truncated (toward zero) to a precision of digits decimal digits.

Numeric implements this by converting self to a Float and invoking Float#truncate.

Returns true if self is less than 0, false otherwise.

Returns zero.

No documentation available

Returns self.

Returns the numerator.

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