Results for: "max_by"

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if /foo #{bar}/ then end


Sorts the elements of self in place, using an ordering determined by the block; returns self.

Calls the block with each successive element; sorts elements based on the values returned from the block.

For duplicates returned by the block, the ordering is indeterminate, and may be unstable.

This example sorts strings based on their sizes:

a = ['aaaa', 'bbb', 'cc', 'd']
a.sort_by! {|element| element.size }
a # => ["d", "cc", "bbb", "aaaa"]

Returns a new Enumerator if no block given:

a = ['aaaa', 'bbb', 'cc', 'd']
a.sort_by! # => #<Enumerator: ["aaaa", "bbb", "cc", "d"]:sort_by!>

Returns the count of bytes (not characters) in self:

'foo'.bytesize        # => 3
'тест'.bytesize       # => 8
'こんにちは'.bytesize   # => 15

Contrast with String#length:

'foo'.length       # => 3
'тест'.length      # => 4
'こんにちは'.length  # => 5

Returns the Integer byte-based index of the first occurrence of the given substring, or nil if none found:

'foo'.byteindex('f') # => 0
'foo'.byteindex('o') # => 1
'foo'.byteindex('oo') # => 1
'foo'.byteindex('ooo') # => nil

Returns the Integer byte-based index of the first match for the given Regexp regexp, or nil if none found:

'foo'.byteindex(/f/) # => 0
'foo'.byteindex(/o/) # => 1
'foo'.byteindex(/oo/) # => 1
'foo'.byteindex(/ooo/) # => nil

Integer argument offset, if given, specifies the byte-based position in the string to begin the search:

'foo'.byteindex('o', 1) # => 1
'foo'.byteindex('o', 2) # => 2
'foo'.byteindex('o', 3) # => nil

If offset is negative, counts backward from the end of self:

'foo'.byteindex('o', -1) # => 2
'foo'.byteindex('o', -2) # => 1
'foo'.byteindex('o', -3) # => 1
'foo'.byteindex('o', -4) # => nil

If offset does not land on character (codepoint) boundary, IndexError is raised.

Related: String#index, String#byterindex.

Returns the Integer byte-based index of the last occurrence of the given substring, or nil if none found:

'foo'.byterindex('f') # => 0
'foo'.byterindex('o') # => 2
'foo'.byterindex('oo') # => 1
'foo'.byterindex('ooo') # => nil

Returns the Integer byte-based index of the last match for the given Regexp regexp, or nil if none found:

'foo'.byterindex(/f/) # => 0
'foo'.byterindex(/o/) # => 2
'foo'.byterindex(/oo/) # => 1
'foo'.byterindex(/ooo/) # => nil

The last match means starting at the possible last position, not the last of longest matches.

'foo'.byterindex(/o+/) # => 2
$~ #=> #<MatchData "o">

To get the last longest match, needs to combine with negative lookbehind.

'foo'.byterindex(/(?<!o)o+/) # => 1
$~ #=> #<MatchData "oo">

Or String#byteindex with negative lookforward.

'foo'.byteindex(/o+(?!.*o)/) # => 1
$~ #=> #<MatchData "oo">

Integer argument offset, if given and non-negative, specifies the maximum starting byte-based position in the

string to _end_ the search:

 'foo'.byterindex('o', 0) # => nil
 'foo'.byterindex('o', 1) # => 1
 'foo'.byterindex('o', 2) # => 2
 'foo'.byterindex('o', 3) # => 2

If offset is a negative Integer, the maximum starting position in the string to end the search is the sum of the string’s length and offset:

'foo'.byterindex('o', -1) # => 2
'foo'.byterindex('o', -2) # => 1
'foo'.byterindex('o', -3) # => nil
'foo'.byterindex('o', -4) # => nil

If offset does not land on character (codepoint) boundary, IndexError is raised.

Related: String#byteindex.

Returns a substring of self, or nil if the substring cannot be constructed.

With integer arguments index and length given, returns the substring beginning at the given index of the given length (if possible), or nil if length is negative or index falls outside of self:

s = '0123456789' # => "0123456789"
s.byteslice(2)   # => "2"
s.byteslice(200) # => nil
s.byteslice(4, 3)  # => "456"
s.byteslice(4, 30) # => "456789"
s.byteslice(4, -1) # => nil
s.byteslice(40, 2) # => nil

In either case above, counts backwards from the end of self if index is negative:

s = '0123456789'   # => "0123456789"
s.byteslice(-4)    # => "6"
s.byteslice(-4, 3) # => "678"

With Range argument range given, returns byteslice(range.begin, range.size):

s = '0123456789'    # => "0123456789"
s.byteslice(4..6)   # => "456"
s.byteslice(-6..-4) # => "456"
s.byteslice(5..2)   # => "" # range.size is zero.
s.byteslice(40..42) # => nil

In all cases, a returned string has the same encoding as self:

s.encoding              # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>
s.byteslice(4).encoding # => #<Encoding:UTF-8>

Replaces some or all of the content of self with str, and returns self. The portion of the string affected is determined using the same criteria as String#byteslice, except that length cannot be omitted. If the replacement string is not the same length as the text it is replacing, the string will be adjusted accordingly.

If str_index and str_length, or str_range are given, the content of self is replaced by str.byteslice(str_index, str_length) or str.byteslice(str_range); however the substring of str is not allocated as a new string.

The form that take an Integer will raise an IndexError if the value is out of range; the Range form will raise a RangeError. If the beginning or ending offset does not land on character (codepoint) boundary, an IndexError will be raised.

Returns an array of the bytes in self:

'hello'.bytes # => [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
'тест'.bytes  # => [209, 130, 208, 181, 209, 129, 209, 130]
# => [227, 129, 147, 227, 130, 147, 227, 129, 171, 227, 129, 161, 227, 129, 175]

Calls the given block with each successive byte from self; returns self:

'hello'.each_byte {|byte| print byte, ' ' }
print "\n"
'тест'.each_byte {|byte| print byte, ' ' }
print "\n"
'こんにちは'.each_byte {|byte| print byte, ' ' }
print "\n"


104 101 108 108 111
209 130 208 181 209 129 209 130
227 129 147 227 130 147 227 129 171 227 129 161 227 129 175

Returns an enumerator if no block is given.

Calls the given block with each byte (0..255) in the stream; returns self. See Byte IO.

f ='t.rus')
a = []
f.each_byte {|b| a << b }
a # => [209, 130, 208, 181, 209, 129, 209, 130]

Returns an Enumerator if no block is given.

Related: IO#each_char, IO#each_codepoint.

With a block given, calls the block with each remaining byte in the stream; see Byte IO.

With no block given, returns an enumerator.

No documentation available

Scans one byte and returns it as an integer. This method is not multibyte character sensitive. See also: getch.

Peeks at the current byte and returns it as an integer.

s ='ab')
s.peek_byte         # => 97

Iterates over each byte of each file in ARGV. A byte is returned as an Integer in the range 0..255.

This method allows you to treat the files supplied on the command line as a single file consisting of the concatenation of each named file. After the last byte of the first file has been returned, the first byte of the second file is returned. The ARGF.filename method can be used to determine the filename of the current byte.

If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

For example:

ARGF.bytes.to_a  #=> [35, 32, ... 95, 10]

Returns a two-element array containing the beginning and ending byte-based offsets of the nth match. n can be a string or symbol to reference a named capture.

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
m.byteoffset(0)      #=> [1, 7]
m.byteoffset(4)      #=> [6, 7]

m = /(?<foo>.)(.)(?<bar>.)/.match("hoge")
p m.byteoffset(:foo) #=> [0, 1]
p m.byteoffset(:bar) #=> [2, 3]

Returns the offset (in bytes) of the beginning of the specified match.

When non-negative integer argument n is given, returns the offset of the beginning of the nth match:

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
# => #<MatchData "HX1138" 1:"H" 2:"X" 3:"113" 4:"8">
m[0]       # => "HX1138"
m.bytebegin(0) # => 1
m[3]       # => "113"
m.bytebegin(3) # => 3

m = /(т)(е)(с)/.match('тест')
# => #<MatchData "тес" 1:"т" 2:"е" 3:"с">
m[0]       # => "тес"
m.bytebegin(0) # => 0
m[3]       # => "с"
m.bytebegin(3) # => 4

When string or symbol argument name is given, returns the offset of the beginning for the named match:

m = /(?<foo>.)(.)(?<bar>.)/.match("hoge")
# => #<MatchData "hog" foo:"h" bar:"g">
m[:foo]        # => "h"
m.bytebegin('foo') # => 0
m[:bar]        # => "g"
m.bytebegin(:bar)  # => 2

Related: MatchData#byteend, MatchData#byteoffset.

Returns the offset (in bytes) of the end of the specified match.

When non-negative integer argument n is given, returns the offset of the end of the nth match:

m = /(.)(.)(\d+)(\d)/.match("THX1138.")
# => #<MatchData "HX1138" 1:"H" 2:"X" 3:"113" 4:"8">
m[0]     # => "HX1138"
m.byteend(0) # => 7
m[3]     # => "113"
m.byteend(3) # => 6

m = /(т)(е)(с)/.match('тест')
# => #<MatchData "тес" 1:"т" 2:"е" 3:"с">
m[0]     # => "тес"
m.byteend(0) # => 6
m[3]     # => "с"
m.byteend(3) # => 6

When string or symbol argument name is given, returns the offset of the end for the named match:

m = /(?<foo>.)(.)(?<bar>.)/.match("hoge")
# => #<MatchData "hog" foo:"h" bar:"g">
m[:foo]      # => "h"
m.byteend('foo') # => 1
m[:bar]      # => "g"
m.byteend(:bar)  # => 3

Related: MatchData#bytebegin, MatchData#byteoffset.

Returns a random binary string containing size bytes.

random_string = # => "\xD7:R\xAB?\x83\xCE\xFAkO"
random_string.size                   # => 10

Returns a random binary string. The argument size specifies the length of the returned string.

Returns a random binary string containing size bytes.

See Random.bytes

if /foo #{bar}/ then end

Search took: 2ms  ·  Total Results: 557