Class for reading entries out of a tar file


Header for this tar entry

Class Methods

Creates a new tar entry for header that will be read from io

Creates a new tar entry for header that will be read from io If a block is given, the entry is yielded and then closed.

Instance Methods

Number of bytes read out of the tar entry

Closes the tar entry

Is the tar entry closed?

Is this tar entry a directory?

Are we at the end of the tar entry?

Is this tar entry a file?

Full name of the tar entry

Read one byte from the tar entry

An alias for size

The position in the tar entry

Seek to the position in the tar entry

Reads maxlen bytes from the tar file entry, or the rest of the entry if nil

No documentation available

Rewinds to the beginning of the tar file entry

Seeks to offset bytes into the tar file entry whence can be IO::SEEK_SET, IO::SEEK_CUR, or IO::SEEK_END

No documentation available

Is this tar entry a symlink?