Results for: "match"

Indicates no such domain was found.

“dohpath” SvcParamDNS over HTTPS path template [RFC9461]

Domain Name resource abstract class.

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Raised when the tree is malformed or there is a bug in the compiler.

Returns true or false based on whether a match is found for self and pattern.

Note: does not update Global Variables at Regexp.

Computes regexp by converting pattern (if not already a Regexp).

regexp =

Returns true if self+.match(regexp) returns a MatchData object, false otherwise:

'foo'.match?(/o/) # => true
'foo'.match?('o') # => true
'foo'.match?(/x/) # => false

If Integer argument offset is given, the search begins at index offset:

'foo'.match?('f', 1) # => false
'foo'.match?('o', 1) # => true

Return the matchee associated with this NoMatchingPatternKeyError exception.

Returns true or false to indicate whether the regexp is matched or not without updating $~ and other related variables. If the second parameter is present, it specifies the position in the string to begin the search.

/R.../.match?("Ruby")    # => true
/R.../.match?("Ruby", 1) # => false
/P.../.match?("Ruby")    # => false
$&                       # => nil

Equivalent to sym.to_s.match?; see String#match.

Attempts to [match] the given pattern at the beginning of the [target substring]; does not modify the [positions].

If the match succeeds:

scanner ='foobarbaz')
scanner.pos = 3
scanner.match?(/bar/) => 3
# Basic match values:
#   matched?:       true
#   matched_size:   3
#   pre_match:      "foo"
#   matched  :      "bar"
#   post_match:     "baz"
# Captured match values:
#   size:           1
#   captures:       []
#   named_captures: {}
#   values_at:      ["bar", nil]
#   []:
#     [0]:          "bar"
#     [1]:          nil
# Situation:
#   pos:       3
#   charpos:   3
#   rest:      "barbaz"
#   rest_size: 6

If the match fails:

scanner.match?(/nope/)         # => nil
match_values_cleared?(scanner) # => true

Returns true of the most recent [match attempt] was successful, false otherwise; see [Basic Matched Values]:

scanner ='foobarbaz')
scanner.matched?       # => false
scanner.pos = 3
scanner.exist?(/baz/)  # => 6
scanner.matched?       # => true
scanner.exist?(/nope/) # => nil
scanner.matched?       # => false

Returns the matched substring from the most recent [match] attempt if it was successful, or nil otherwise; see [Basic Matched Values]:

scanner ='foobarbaz')
scanner.matched        # => nil
scanner.pos = 3
scanner.match?(/bar/)  # => 3
scanner.matched        # => "bar"
scanner.match?(/nope/) # => nil
scanner.matched        # => nil

Returns the size (in bytes) of the matched substring from the most recent match [match attempt] if it was successful, or nil otherwise; see [Basic Matched Values]:

scanner ='foobarbaz')
scanner.matched_size   # => nil

pos = 3
scanner.exist?(/baz/)  # => 9
scanner.matched_size   # => 3

scanner.exist?(/nope/) # => nil
scanner.matched_size   # => nil

Does this dependency match the specification described by name and version or match spec?

NOTE: Unlike matches_spec? this method does not return true when the version is a prerelease version unless this is a prerelease dependency.

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Does this dependency match spec?

NOTE: This is not a convenience method. Unlike match? this method returns true when spec is a prerelease version even if this dependency is not a prerelease dependency.

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Return all files in this gem that match for glob.

@return true if the specs of any default gems are ‘==` to the given `spec`.

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