Read & Write

May be used as a hint for encoding a value either implicitly or explicitly by setting it either to :IMPLICIT or to :EXPLICIT. tagging is not set when a ASN.1 structure is parsed using OpenSSL::ASN1.decode.

Class Methods

value: is mandatory.

tag: optional, may be specified for tagged values. If no tag is specified, the UNIVERSAL tag corresponding to the Primitive sub-class is used by default.

tagging: may be used as an encoding hint to encode a value either explicitly or implicitly, see ASN1 for possible values.

tag_class: if tag and tagging are nil then this is set to :UNIVERSAL by default. If either tag or tagging are set then :CONTEXT_SPECIFIC is used as the default. For possible values please cf. ASN1.


int =
zero_tagged_int =, 0, :IMPLICIT)
private_explicit_zero_tagged_int =, 0, :EXPLICIT, :PRIVATE)