Class Methods

See as_json.

Instance Methods

Methods BigDecimal#as_json and BigDecimal.json_create may be used to serialize and deserialize a BigDecimal object; see Marshal.

Method BigDecimal#as_json serializes self, returning a 2-element hash representing self:

require 'json/add/bigdecimal'
x = BigDecimal(2).as_json             # => {"json_class"=>"BigDecimal", "b"=>"27:0.2e1"}
y = BigDecimal(2.0, 4).as_json        # => {"json_class"=>"BigDecimal", "b"=>"36:0.2e1"}
z = BigDecimal(Complex(2, 0)).as_json # => {"json_class"=>"BigDecimal", "b"=>"27:0.2e1"}

Method JSON.create deserializes such a hash, returning a BigDecimal object:

BigDecimal.json_create(x) # => 0.2e1
BigDecimal.json_create(y) # => 0.2e1
BigDecimal.json_create(z) # => 0.2e1

Returns a JSON string representing self:

require 'json/add/bigdecimal'
puts BigDecimal(2).to_json
puts BigDecimal(2.0, 4).to_json
puts BigDecimal(Complex(2, 0)).to_json

