Results for: "strip"

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No documentation available

alias $foo $bar ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

foo { |; bar| }

^^^ += baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ &&= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ||= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

@@foo ^^^^^

@@foo, = bar ^^^^^

Foo::Bar, = baz ^^^^^^^^

$foo ^^^^

$foo, = bar ^^^^

foo += baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

foo &&= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

foo ||= baz ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

def foo(**bar); end


def foo(**); end


foo ^^^

foo, = bar ^^^

if /foo/ then end

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Compile a InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode node

Dispatch enter and leave events for InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode nodes and continue walking the tree.

Inspect a InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode node.

Copy a InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode node

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Search took: 5ms  ·  Total Results: 2417