Results for: "minmax"

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No documentation available

Pins the gem name to the given source. Adding a gem with the same name from a different source will raise an exception.

Looks up the latest specification for dependency and adds it to the always_install list.

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No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

Returns value specified by the member name of VT_RECORD OLE object. If the member name is not correct, KeyError exception is raised. If you can’t access member variable of VT_RECORD OLE object directly, use this method.

If COM server in VB.NET ComServer project is the following:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class ComClass
    Public Structure ComObject
        Public object_id As Ineger
    End Structure
End Class

and Ruby Object class has title attribute:

then accessing object_id of ComObject from Ruby is as the following:

srver ='ComServer.ComClass')
obj ='ComObject', server)
# obj.object_id returns Ruby Object#object_id
obj.ole_instance_variable_get(:object_id) # => nil

Sets value specified by the member name of VT_RECORD OLE object. If the member name is not correct, KeyError exception is raised. If you can’t set value of member of VT_RECORD OLE object directly, use this method.

If COM server in VB.NET ComServer project is the following:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Public Class ComClass
    <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> _
    Public title As String
    Public cost As Integer
End Class

then setting value of the ‘title’ member is as following:

srver ='ComServer.ComClass')
obj ='Book', server)
obj.ole_instance_variable_set(:title, "The Ruby Book")

Compile a CaseMatchNode node

Compile a FindPatternNode node

Compile a ForwardingArgumentsNode node

Compile a ForwardingParameterNode node

Compile a ForwardingSuperNode node

Compile a IndexTargetNode node

Compile a InterpolatedSymbolNode node

Compile a MatchPredicateNode node

Compile a MatchRequiredNode node

Compile a MatchWriteNode node

Compile a PinnedExpressionNode node

Compile a PinnedVariableNode node

Compile a SingletonClassNode node

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