Results for: "Pathname"

Create a new KeywordHashNode node

Create a new LambdaNode node

Create a new LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode node

Create a new MatchLastLineNode node

Create a new MatchRequiredNode node

Create a new MatchWriteNode node

Create a new ProgramNode node

Create a new SplatNode node

Generate a random alphanumeric string.

The argument n specifies the length, in characters, of the alphanumeric string to be generated. The argument chars specifies the character list which the result is consist of.

If n is not specified or is nil, 16 is assumed. It may be larger in the future.

The result may contain A-Z, a-z and 0-9, unless chars is specified.

require 'random/formatter'

Random.alphanumeric     #=> "2BuBuLf3WfSKyQbR"
# or
prng =
prng.alphanumeric(10) #=> "i6K93NdqiH"

Random.alphanumeric(4, chars: [*"0".."9"]) #=> "2952"
# or
prng =
prng.alphanumeric(10, chars: [*"!".."/"]) #=> ",.,++%/''."
No documentation available

NOTE: This means Fiddle and curses are enabled.

Return true if RJIT is enabled.

Start JIT compilation after --rjit-disable.

Simple deprecation method that deprecates name by wrapping it up in a dummy method. It warns on each call to the dummy method telling the user of repl (unless repl is :none) and the year/month that it is planned to go away.

Is fetching of local and remote information enabled?

A Zlib::Inflate#inflate wrapper

Check if YJIT is enabled.

Enable YJIT compilation. stats option decides whether to enable YJIT stats or not.

Load extra data embed into binary format String object.

No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available
No documentation available

When there is an invalid block with a keyword missing an end right before another end, it is unclear where which keyword is missing the end

Take this example:

class Dog       # 1
  def bark      # 2
    puts "woof" # 3
end             # 4

However due to the problem line will be identified as:

> class Dog       # 1

Because lines 2, 3, and 4 are technically valid code and are expanded first, deemed valid, and hidden. We need to un-hide the matching end line 4. Also work backwards and if there’s a mis-matched keyword, show it too

for settings’ keys

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