Results for: "Data"

See as_json.

See as_json.

See as_json.

See as_json.

With no argument, returns the value of $!, which is the result of the most recent pattern match (see Regexp global variables):

/c(.)t/ =~ 'cat'  # => 0
Regexp.last_match # => #<MatchData "cat" 1:"a">
/a/ =~ 'foo'      # => nil
Regexp.last_match # => nil

With non-negative integer argument n, returns the _n_th field in the matchdata, if any, or nil if none:

/c(.)t/ =~ 'cat'     # => 0
Regexp.last_match(0) # => "cat"
Regexp.last_match(1) # => "a"
Regexp.last_match(2) # => nil

With negative integer argument n, counts backwards from the last field:

Regexp.last_match(-1)       # => "a"

With string or symbol argument name, returns the string value for the named capture, if any:

/(?<lhs>\w+)\s*=\s*(?<rhs>\w+)/ =~ 'var = val'
Regexp.last_match        # => #<MatchData "var = val" lhs:"var"rhs:"val">
Regexp.last_match(:lhs)  # => "var"
Regexp.last_match('rhs') # => "val"
Regexp.last_match('foo') # Raises IndexError.

See as_json.

See as_json.

Returns an array of values from self.

With integer arguments integers given, returns an array containing each value given by one of integers:

Customer =, :address, :zip)
joe ="Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345)
joe.values_at(0, 2)    # => ["Joe Smith", 12345]
joe.values_at(2, 0)    # => [12345, "Joe Smith"]
joe.values_at(2, 1, 0) # => [12345, "123 Maple, Anytown NC", "Joe Smith"]
joe.values_at(0, -3)   # => ["Joe Smith", "Joe Smith"]

Raises IndexError if any of integers is out of range; see Array Indexes at Array.

With integer range argument integer_range given, returns an array containing each value given by the elements of the range; fills with nil values for range elements larger than the structure:

# => ["Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345]
# => ["Joe Smith", "123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345]
joe.values_at(1..4) # => ["123 Maple, Anytown NC", 12345, nil, nil]

Raises RangeError if any element of the range is negative and out of range; see Array Indexes at Array.

See as_json.

Equivalent to self.to_s.start_with?; see String#start_with?.

Return the path as a String.

to_path is implemented so Pathname objects are usable with, etc.

Returns the absolute path for the file.

See File.expand_path.

See FileTest.executable_real?.

See FileTest.world_readable?.

See FileTest.readable_real?.

See FileTest.world_writable?.

See FileTest.writable_real?.

No documentation available

Returns true for IPv4 private address (,, It returns false otherwise.

Returns true for IPv4-compatible IPv6 address (::/80). It returns false otherwise.

Returns the socket path as a string.

Addrinfo.unix("/tmp/sock").unix_path       #=> "/tmp/sock"

Returns the size of the most recent match in bytes, or nil if there was no recent match. This is different than matched.size, which will return the size in characters.

s ='test string')
s.check /\w+/           # -> "test"
s.matched_size          # -> 4
s.check /\d+/           # -> nil
s.matched_size          # -> nil

Returns the pre-match

(in the regular expression sense) of the last scan.
s ='test string')
s.scan(/\w+/)           # -> "test"
s.scan(/\s+/)           # -> " "
s.pre_match             # -> "test"
s.post_match            # -> "string"

Returns the post-match

(in the regular expression sense) of the last scan.
s ='test string')
s.scan(/\w+/)           # -> "test"
s.scan(/\s+/)           # -> " "
s.pre_match             # -> "test"
s.post_match            # -> "string"

Returns the subgroups in the most recent match at the given indices. If nothing was priorly matched, it returns nil.

s ="Fri Dec 12 1975 14:39")
s.scan(/(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) /)       # -> "Fri Dec 12 "
s.values_at 0, -1, 5, 2            # -> ["Fri Dec 12 ", "12", nil, "Dec"]
s.scan(/(\w+) (\w+) (\d+) /)       # -> nil
s.values_at 0, -1, 5, 2            # -> nil
Search took: 5ms  ·  Total Results: 2131